Showing 1 - 10 of 15
The present paper has as its main theme the complex relationship between the individual and society in the anti-utopian literature of the first half of the XX-th century. As we know, this period has been an extremely prodigious one for the utopian literature, marking a decisive shift of...
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Volumul Politica si metapolitica la Platon al autoarei Isadora Dunca, publicat la Editura Lumen, trateaza pe parcursul a trei capitole problemele fundamentale ale existentei omului in societate, analizate inca de catre sofisti, Platon sau Aristotel, care isi dovedesc inca actualitatea. Astfel...
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Volumul Adevar si cunoastere in rationalismul empiric al autoarei Emilia Closca, publicat la Editura Lumen trateaza gradat pe parcursul a cinci capitole o idee-forta, specifice gandirii popperiene: metoda deductiva a testarii, soarta indictiei, falsificabilitatea, cresterea cunoasterii si...
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Volumul Heidegger si rostirea fiintei al autorului Viorel Rotila, publicat la Editura Lumen, prezinta in cuprinsul sau dezbateri filosofice privind fiintain perceptia lui Hiedegger. Volumul urmareste sa ofere raspunsuri, dar nu definitive, exhaustive, la interogatiile legate de modul in care...
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Why does inequality vary across societies? We advance the hypothesis that in a market economy, where earning differentials reflect variations in productive traits, a significant component of the differences in income inequality across societies can be attributed to variation in societal...
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Decisions to invest in human capital depend on people's time preferences. We show that differences in patience are closely related to substantial subnational differences in educational achievement, leading to new perspectives on longstanding within-country disparities. We use social-media data -...
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What drives change in a society's values? From Marx to modernization theory, scholars have identified a connection between structural transformation and social change. To understand how changes in a society's dominant mode of production affect its dominant values, we examine the case of the...
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Why are certain movies more successful in some markets than others? Are the entertainment products we consume reflective of our core values and beliefs? These questions drive our investigation into the relationship between a society's oral tradition and the financial success of films. We combine...
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Religious adherence has been hard to study in part because it is hard to measure. We develop a new measure of religious adherence, which is granular in both time and space, using anonymized mobile phone transaction records. After validating the measure with traditional data, we show how it can...
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Evidence suggests that the prehistoric Out of Africa Migration has impacted the degree of intra-population genetic and phenotypic diversity across the globe. This paper provides the first evidence that this migration has shaped cultural diversity. Leveraging a folklore catalogue of 958 oral...
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