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pt. 1. Regional innovation systems, agglomeration economies and knowledge spillovers : theoretical approaches -- pt. 2 …. Regional innovation systems, agglomeration economies and knowledge spillovers : empirical studies -- pt. 3. Regional economic …This book begins with a theoretical examination of regional innovation systems, agglomeration economics and knowledge …
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Innovation and Institutions is an extensive elaboration on the make up of systems of innovation. It examines why some … countries are more innovative than others, why national styles of innovation differ, and goes on to explore why some countries …
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papers included range from simulation models of the evolution of market structure in the presence of innovation, through …
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pt. 1. The localized generation and exploitation of technological knowledge and innovation -- pt. 2. The Italian …
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, Innovation and Growth assembles a stellar cast of international contributors. Leading economists join the debate on innovation … innovation -- 7. Cooperation, creativity and closure in scientific research networks : modelling the dynamics of epistemic … communities -- 8. The diversity of social systems of innovation and production during the 1990s -- 9. An overview of sustainable …
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This comprehensive collection presents the classic articles in the economics of invention and innovation. It covers … topics related to sources of inventive and innovative activity, including exogenous and endogenous innovation, with an … Innovation', Research Policy, 6 (1), January, 37-76 -- Paul M. Romer (1990), 'Endogenous Technological Change', Journal of …
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This comprehensive volume integrates pathbreaking and seminal scholarship from two interrelated fields - innovation and … of the most important research. Topics covered include: history of thought, innovation and growth, the innovation process … Geography of Innovation and Production', American Economic Review, 86 (3), June, 630-40 -- Edward L. Glaeser, Hedi D. Kallal …
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