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This article reviews empirical evidence on the early tracking system in Germany and the educational inequalities associated with it. Overall, the literature confirms the existence of considerable social, ethnic, gender- and age-related inequalities in secondary school track placement. Studies on...
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Die Arbeitsmarktreformen der letzten Jahre haben die strukturellen Anpassungsprobleme des deutschen Beschäftigungsmodells zum Teil gelindert - allerdings sind noch längst nicht alle Schwierigkeiten überwunden. Für die Zukunft besteht die zentrale Herausforderung darin, eine...
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Less than a decade ago, several German states introduced tuition fees for university education. Despite their comparatively low level, fees were perceived by the public to increase social injustice, and have been abolished. Whereas other studies have shown no effect on enrollment, we analyze the...
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Cross-country evidence on student achievement might be hampered by omitted country characteristics such as language or legal differences. This paper uses cross-state variation in Germany, whose sixteen states share the same language and legal system, but pursue different education policies. The...
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Previous studies report a wide range of estimates for how female labor supply responds to childcare prices. We shed new light on this question using a reform that raised the prices of public daycare. Parents respond by reducing public daycare and increasing childcare at home. Parents also reduce...
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Um den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt demografiefest zu machen, bedarf es einer stärkeren Aktivierung des Potenzials weiblicher Erwerbspersonen bei gleichzeitiger Steigerung der Geburtenrate. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt Handlungsoptionen zur Lösung dieser beiden zentralen Zukunftsaufgaben auf und...
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Although economic agents routinely face various types of economic uncertainty, their effects are often unclear and hard to assess, in part due to the absence of suitable measures of uncertainty. Because of the numerous and very substantial institutional changes that people in the transition...
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In this paper, I suggest an empirical framework for the analysis of mothers' labor supply and child care choices, explicitly taking into account access restrictions to subsidized child care. This is particularly important for countries such as Germany, where subsidized child care is rationed and...
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Wenn institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf behindern, wird die Wahl zwischen Erwerbstätigkeit und Familiengründung zu einer echten Entweder-oder-Entscheidung. In Deutschland und vielen anderen OECD-Ländern wurden deshalb Reformen eingeleitet, um die Balance...
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We analyze the effects of regional structures on both females’ willingness to work and the probability of being employed for those willing to work. Special permission was granted to link regional data to individual respondents in the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). Results of a bivariate...
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