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believe that women perform more total work. The facts do not arise from gender differences in the price of time (as measured … northern countries on four continents, including the United States, there is no difference -- men and women do the same amount … by market wages), as women's total work is further below men's where their relative wages are lower. Additional tests …
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stagnation in the share of women among economics Ph.D.s in recent years, there has been a remarkable rise in gender …-related dissertations in economics over time and in many sub-fields. Women economists are significantly more likely to write gender … names, we investigate the connection between the gender of economics dissertators and dissertation topics. Despite …
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The purpose of this paper is to study the joint determination of gender differentials in labor market outcomes and in … amplify differences in earnings due to gender differentials in home hours. In turn, earnings differentials reinforce the …
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particular implications for women's time use. In this paper, we document that current patterns of female time use in home … about women's time use in Africa. First, in North Africa, women spend very few hours in market work and female labor force … participation overall is extremely low. Second, although extensive margin participation of women is high in sub-Saharan Africa …
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Using comparable data for 24 countries since the 1970s, we document gender convergence in schooling, employment and … family policies on women's careers and children's wellbeing. There is to date little or no evidence of beneficial effects of … changes, family policies and gender equality …
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We examine causes and consequences of relative income within households. We establish that gender identity - in … their marriage and are more likely to divorce. Finally, based on time use surveys, the gender gap in non-market work is …
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Gender-Based Taxation (GBT) satisfies Ramsey's rule of optimality because it taxes at a lower rate the more elastic … labor supply of women. This holds when different elasticities between men and women are taken as exogenous. We study GBT in … family. We explore the cases of superior bargaining power for men, higher men wages and higher women productivity in home …
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Substantial econometric efforts have been devoted to examining the impacts prices and tobacco control policies have on smoking propensity and intensity. However, little is known about the effects prices, smoking restrictions, and other influences have on smoking cessation. This paper uses...
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Women enter retirement having spent fewer years in market work, earned less over their lifetimes, and worked in … many women end up with lower levels of retirement income in old age. We use the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), which … largely between nonmarried men and women. Multivariate models show that 85 percent of this retirement income gap can be …
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also do not explain much of the gender gap. On the other hand, women do less well in economics relative to other courses …Although women are underrepresented in the field of economics, many see little need for intervention, arguing that … women are inherently less interested in economics, or are less willing or able to get the math skills skills needed to do …
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