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In this paper we study the distributional impact of a change from the existing pay-as-you-go Social Security system to one that combines both pay-as-you-go and investment-based elements. Critics of investment-based plans have been concerned that such plans might reduce the retirement income of...
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We explore the impact of rising incomes at the top of the distribution on spatial sorting patterns within large U.S. cities. We develop and quantify a spatial model of a city with heterogeneous agents and non-homothetic preferences for neighborhoods with endogenous amenity quality. As the rich...
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This chapter reviews literature on the distributional effects of environmental and energy policy. In particular, many effects of such policy are likely regressive. First, it raises the price of fossil-fuel-intensive products, expenditures on which are a high fraction of low-income budgets....
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Higher corporate taxes reduce corporate business operations, replacing them with operations by noncorporate businesses that are risky and have undiversified ownership. This shift contributes to income dispersion, with effects so large that higher corporate taxes can increase income inequality...
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-price actions (e.g. marketing and advertising), and learn gradually about their idiosyncratic demand. The model matches quantity …
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A central challenge in estimating the causal effect of TV advertising on demand is isolating quasi-random variation in … advertising. Political advertising, which topped $14 billion in expenditures in 2016, has been proposed as a plausible source of … identify the causal effect of TV advertising on demand, highlight threats to the exclusion restriction and monotonicity …
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We use a unique dataset that combines information on advertising by subprime lenders and mortgages originated by them … from 2002 to 2007 to study the relationship between advertising and the nature of mortgages obtained by consumers. We … relationship between the intensity of local advertising and the expensiveness of mortgages extended by lenders within a given …
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This paper explores how advertising impacts the consumer response to news about unobserved product quality …. Specifically, we estimate how British Petroleum's (BP) 2000-2008 "Beyond Petroleum" advertising campaign affected the impact of the … after the spill. However, pre-spill advertising significantly dampened the price response in the short-run, and reduced the …
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We formally model direct to consumer advertising (DTCA) of prescription drugs and examine factors that determine a … perspective there can be too much or too little private investment in advertising. Welfare is more likely to increase when the …
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Online advertising offers unprecedented opportunities for measurement. A host of new metrics, clicks being the leading … example, have become widespread in advertising science. New data and experimentation platforms open the door for firms and … researchers to measure true causal effects of advertising on a variety of consumer behaviors, such as purchases. We dissect the …
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