Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Starting from two different planes of analysis, this volume contributes to recent debates on the character of contemporary modernity(ies). At the macro-theoretical level, some chapters discuss the bases for a comparative sociology, in an emphatic sense, i.e., a sociology that deals with the...
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Wird die Arbeitswelt aus mikropolitischer Perspektive betrachtet, geraet das Ringen um Ressourcen und Spielraeume auf der Handlungsebene in den Blick. Wie werden organisationale Change-Prozesse – ob innerbetriebliches Delayering oder die fortschreitende Digitalisierung – strategisch genutzt?...
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Restructuring has become a daily practice in both private and public sectors in the EU. But often restructuring processes fail to produce the intended effects of secured or increased organizational profi tability. On the contrary restructuring puts the physical and psychosocial health of all...
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Dans l’Union Européenne, les restructurations sont devenues un fait quotidien dans le secteur privé comme dans le secteur public. Or, souvent ces processus échouent dans la réalisation de leurs objectifs de sécurisation ou d’amélioration de la profi tabilité. Et, à l’inverse, font...
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This book deals with a dialogic organizational development process carried out with managers and employees in the Research & Development Department of Bang & Olufsen, Denmark. This action research project did not start with ready-made concepts to be implemented. They were developed during the...
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Enterprise restructuring can no longer be understood as a temporal crisis. Current developments show that for many organizations and even regions or sectors restructuring became a recurrent and continuous process. But often restructuring processes fail to produce the intended effects of secured...
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In Zeiten des demografischen Wandels und der damit einhergehenden Verknappung qualifizierter Fach- und Fuehrungskraefte wird es fuer Unternehmen immer schwieriger, sich als attraktive Arbeitgeber zu positionieren. Daher widmen sich Personalverantwortliche zunehmend der Rekrutierung von jungen...
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Jaehrlich muessen ca. 70.000 deutsche Unternehmen, bei denen Eigentum und Fuehrung in Familienhand liegen, an einen Nachfolger uebertragen werden. Da dies haeufig nicht gelingt, sucht die vorliegende Studie Antworten auf die zentrale Frage, welche Faktoren aus Sicht der Familienunternehmen...
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In times of sweeping demographic changes, policy makers and business executives in mature economies perceive workforce aging as one potential threat to the capacity for innovation and technological progress. However, evidence for age-dependency in innovative performance is still scarce. Pressing...
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How do managers in Not-For-Profit organizations conceptualize their career success? While the for-profit sector provides more objective measures such as salary level or position in the hierarchy, Not For Profit Organizations often lack hard and fast metrics. This work seeks to develop a...
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