Showing 1 - 9 of 9
Disertacijos tyrimų sritis yra žinių gavybos iš daugiamačių duomenų procesas ir tiriamų duomenų suvokimo gerinimo būdai. Duomenų suvokimas yra sudėtingas uždavinys, ypač kai duomenys nurodo sudėtingą objektą, kuris aprašytas daugeliu parametrų. Norint gauti išsamią...
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Disertacijoje tiriamas verslo taisyklių bei jų valdymo sistemų taikymas įmonių verslo valdymo informacinėse sistemose, nagrinėjamos šio taikymo problemos. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas yra verslo taisyklių ir jų valdymo sistemų taikymas įmonių resursų valdymo (angl. Enterprise...
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The paper analyses topicalities of implementation of business rules and business rules management systems into enterprise business management information systems. It is rare nowadays to find a company which is not using an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system for its own needs. These...
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At the moment variety of methods and commercial tools are available that can be used to model business systems and implement data integrity constraints through the functionality of active database management systems. Unfortunately, these tools do not support data validation – the...
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Dėl įvairių priežasčių duomenų bazėse saugomi duomenys genda, todėl vien riboti įvesti klaidingus duomenis nepakanka. Duomenų kokybė užtikrinama draudžiant įvesti klaidingus duomenis ir tikrinant bei valant duomenų bazėse saugomus duomenis. Klaidingų duomenų įvedimo ribojimai...
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In the research of the business IS development the business rules approach has achieved a lot of attention and already has a steady niche with a strong motivation behind. The usefulness of the approach and its advantages over the traditional IS development approaches call for the technology...
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In the research of the business IS development the business rules approach has achieved a lot of attention and already has a steady niche with a strong motivation behind. The usefulness of the approach and its advantages over the traditional IS development approaches call for the technology...
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The research area of the thesis is the process of knowledge discovery from multidimensional data and the ways of improving the perception of the data investigated. Data perception is rather a complex problem, especially when the data refer to complicated object described by many parameters. In...
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Information infrastructure protection against malicious software, such as vi-ruses, Internet worms and botnets is a crucial task that requires development and implementation of both reactive, such as patches, removal tools, antivirus soft-ware updates and proactive, such as countermeasure...
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