Showing 1 - 10 of 33
Chapter 1: Performance Management as Part of the Corporate Strategy -- Chapter 2: Performance in Procurement and Supply … Management -- Chapter 3: Performance Management in Operations Management -- Chapter 4: Strategic Management Tools and Excellence … Models -- Chapter 5: Strategic Management Objectives, KPI and OKR -- Chapter 6: Problem-Solving and Performance Management …
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Vorwort -- Teil 1: Grundlegung -- Konturen von Management, Wertschöpfung und Managementerfolg -- Theorien und Beweggründe des Handeln -- Teil 2: Personalmanagement -- Personalmanagement und interaktionelle Führung -- Strukturelle Führung -- Informatorische Fundierung und Personalstrategie --...
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, corporate value and ROE, equity spread as a key performance indicator for value creation, an optimal dividend policy based on …
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students, advanced consultants, and practitioners with an interest in quantitative performance evaluation. …
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Now completely updated, Making Sustainability Work is the bible for applying real metrics and best practices to the often-nebulous realm of business sustainability. Mark Epstein and Adriana Rejc Buhovac provide concrete tools for measuring and increasing social and environmental impacts in a...
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Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen praxisorientierten Überblick über die notwendigen Voraussetzungen, die Funktionsweise sowie die einzelnen Schritte für die erfolgreiche Einführung von Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Neben theoretischen Grundlagen verdeutlichen Umsetzungsbeispiele aus der...
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This book is designed to meet the needs of CFOs, accounting and financial professionals interested in leveraging the power of data-driven customer insights in management accounting and financial reporting systems. While academic research in Marketing has developed increasingly sophisticated...
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and Solomon W. Polachek -- 3. Performance: The output/input ratio- Thijs ten Raa -- 4. R&D, innovation and productivity … of production- Camilla Mastromarco, Leopold Simar, and Paul W. Wilson -- 11. Bayesian performance evaluation- Mike G …. Tsionas -- 12. Common methodological choices in parametric and non-parametric analyses of firms' performance- Luis Orea …
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and Description of Data -- Conventional Analysis of Banks' Performance -- Measurement of Competition -- Measuring of Banks …' Performance by Using Super-Efficiency DEA Model -- Measuring Efficiency of Indian Banks Using Window DEA Analysis -- Informal …This book assesses the performance of banks in India over the past several decades, and discusses their current status …
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10. A DEA Analysis in Latin-American Ports: Measuring the Performance of Guayaquil Contecon Port -- Chapter 11. Effects … Envelopment Analysis -- Chapter 14. Pension Funds and Mutual Funds Performance Measurement With a New DEA (Mv-DEA) Model Allowing …This book includes a spectrum of concepts, such as performance, productivity, operations research, econometrics, and …
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