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We analyze the long-term effects of firm break-up and ownership change on corporate performance. Our analysis is based on a unique data set for a large number of Czech firms spanning the period 1996-2005. We employ a propensity score matching procedure to deal with endogeneity problems. Our...
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That individuals contribute in social dilemma interactions even when contributing is costly is a well-established observation in the experimental literature. Since a contributor is always strictly worse off than a non-contributor the question is raised if an intrinsic motivation to contribute...
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Firms are under increasing pressure to meet stakeholders' demand for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) along their …
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Cultural and institutional differences among nations may result in differences in the ratios of marginal costs of goods in autarchy and thus be the basis of specialization and comparative advantage, as long as these differences are not eliminated by trade. We provide an evolutionary model of...
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cultural stereotypes at the bank level, we show that corporate culture at bank headquarters is influenced by foreign …. We therefore leverage the geography of multinational bank branch networks to construct a bank-specific measure of culture …
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transactions. While it involves updating the ledger through a decentralized consensus on the unique truth, the robustness of the … equilibrium that supports this consensus depends on who has access to the ledger and how it can be updated. To find the optimal … decentralization, security (i.e. a robust consensus), and scale (the efficient volume of transactions). Using a global game analysis of …
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We consider an expanded notion of social norms that renders them belief-dependent and partial, formulate a series of related testable predictions, and design an experiment based on a variant of the dictator game that tests for empirical relevance. Main results: Normative beliefs influence...
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We propose the concept of level r consensus as a useful property of a preference profile which considerably enhances … the stability of social choice. This concept involves a weakening of unanimity, the most extreme form of consensus. It is … shown that if a preference profile exhibits level r consensus around a given preference relation, the associated majority …
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This paper investigates how relative pricing schemes can achieve efficient allocations in blockchain systems featuring multiple transaction queues under a global capacity constraint. I model a capacity-constrained blockchain where users submit transactions to different queues—each representing...
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In this paper we contribute to the literature on the structure of interlocking directorship networks and to the literature on the relationship between corporate governance and performance. We use a unique dataset made of corporate governance variables related to the board size and interlocking...
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