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We propose a parametric state space model with accompanying estimation and forecasting framework that combines long memory and level shifts by decomposing the underlying process into a simple mixture model and ARFIMA dynamics. The Kalman filter is used to construct the likelihood function after...
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We analyze the properties of the indirect inference estimator when the observed series are contaminated by measurement error. We show that the indirect inference estimates are asymptotically biased when the nuisance parameters of the measurement error distribution are neglected in the indirect...
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In this paper we analyze the limiting properties of the estimated parameters in a general class of asymmetric volatility models which are closely related to the traditional exponential GARCH model. The new representation has three main advantages over the traditional EGARCH: (1) It allows a much...
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In recent years multivariate models for asset returns have received much attention, in particular this is the case for models with time varying volatility. In this paper we consider models of this class and examine their potential when it comes to option pricing. Specifically, we derive the risk...
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While stochastic volatility models improve on the option pricing error when compared to the Black-Scholes-Merton model, mispricings remain. This paper uses mixed normal heteroskedasticity models to price options. Our model allows for significant negative skewness and time varying higher order...
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This paper uses asymmetric heteroskedastic normal mixture models to fit return data and to price options. The models can be estimated straightforwardly by maximum likelihood, have high statistical fit when used on S&P 500 index return data, and allow for substantial negative skewness and time...
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Motivated by the construction of the Itô stochastic integral, we consider a step function method to discretize and simulate volatility modulated Lévy semistationary processes. Moreover, we assess the accuracy of the method with a particular focus on integrating kernels with a singularity at...
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This paper improves the accuracy and speed of particle filtering for non-linear DSGE models with potentially non-normal shocks. This is done by introducing a new proposal distribution which i) incorporates information from new observables and ii) has a small optimization step that minimizes the...
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This paper introduces a Quasi Maximum Likelihood (QML) approach based on the Central Difference Kalman Filter (CDKF) to estimate non-linear DSGE models with potentially non-Gaussian shocks. We argue that this estimator can be expected to be consistent and asymptotically normal for DSGE models...
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We propose a simulated maximum likelihood estimator for dynamic models based on non-parametric kernel methods. Our method is designed for models without latent dynamics from which one can simulate observations but cannot obtain a closed-form representation of the likelihood function. Using the...
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