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power and are engaged in oligopolistic competition at different sub-markets; (2) that part of external travel delays that …
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This paper examines the impact of WTO membership on the extensive and intensive margins of product and labor market power of Chinese manufacturing firms during the period 1999- 2006. We first identify a firm's regime of competitiveness, corresponding to a combination of a product market setting...
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We analyze a market where firms compete in a conventional and an electronicretail channel. Consumers easily compare prices online, but some incur purchaseuncertainties on the online channel. We investigate the market shares of the two retailchannels and the prices that are charged. We find that...
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In the last decade, many European countries have seen a sharp increase in the number of automated fueling stations. We study the effect of this process innovation on prices at stations that are automated and their competitors using a difference-in-differences matching strategy. Our estimates...
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firms' intangible assets for competition in product and labor markets. First, evidence is presented on product and labor …
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Embedding the efficient bargaining model into the R. Hall (1988) approach for estimating price-cost margins shows that both imperfections in the product and labor markets generate a wedge between factor elasticities in the production function and their corresponding shares in revenue. This...
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This paper tests the pro-competitive effect of trade in the product and labour markets of UK manufacturing sectors between 1988 and 2003 using a two-stage estimation procedure. In the first stage, we use data on 9820 firms from twenty manufacturing sectors to simultaneously estimate mark-up and...
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We develop a novel model of price-fee competition in bilateral oligopoly markets with non-expandable infrastructures …. Maximal fees also arise from a negotiation model that extends price competition to price-fee competition. Competition in both … prices and fees necessarily emerges. It improves welfare compared to price competition, but buyers will not be better o¤. The …
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We posit and empirically test the hypothesis that airlines are able to charge a fare premium in markets that originate in their domestic country relative to similar markets that originate in foreign countries. To this end, we focus on intercontinental one-stop air travel trips for which the...
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