Showing 1 - 10 of 74
Toimialojen ja avainklustereiden tuotannon ja työllisyyden ennusteiden laatimista varten on rakennettu yksityiskohtainen pitkän ajan kehityksen arviointiin soveltuva ennustemalli. Ennustejärjestelmällä on arvioitu avainklustereiden ja muiden toimialojen tuotannon ja työllisyyden kehitystä...
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Tulopolitiikka on keskeinen osa työmarkkinoiden sopimusjärjestelmää ja talouspolitiikkaa Suomessa. Tästä huolimatta siitä ei ole juuri tehty kvantitatiivisia kokonaistaloudellisia arvioita, minkä laatiminen on tässä tutkimuksessa otettu tavoitteeksi. Aluksi keskustellaan...
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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan eduskunnan vuonna 2004 päättämän yritys- ja pääomaverouudistuksen poliittisia ja taloudellisia tietoperustoja. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan, minkälaiseen informaatioon yritys- ja pääomaverouudistus perustui ja miten poliittinen ja taloudellinen tietoperusta...
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The Ministry of Finance commissioned a report from Etlatieto Ltd on maritime operating conditions, competitiveness and the adaptability of this sector. The competitiveness of cargo ship has significantly improved when mixed-nationality crews were allowed and the Tonnage Tax Act went into force....
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We study the effects of compulsory military service in Finland on the conscripts' future labour market behaviour. This is measured in three ways: first, the time it takes to complete civil education and the level of education acquired; second, how the conscripts will find employment; and third,...
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The report looks at investment activity in Finland by industries and types of investment, and makes international comparisons. Investment rate (fixed investment in relation to GDP) fell in Finland in the early 1990s from an internationally high level to the average West European rate. Among key...
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In Finland access to public sector information (PSI) is guaranteed in the Constitution as part of the freedom of information. This provision focuses upon the citizen's right to access PSI; it does not cover the re-utilization of PSI for non-commercial or commercial purposes. The re-use of PSI is...
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There is a deep structural transformation going on In the Finnish electrical, electronics and IT services sector. The main reason is a major turning point in ICT due to diminishing production and employment in mobile telecom industry where large amount of high-skill jobs will disappear in the...
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Finpro is an expert service organization, partly financed from public funds, providing services for internationalization - market information, consulting and advice, business development, and other related services. It is one of the largest organizations in the Finnish innovation and business...
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The study investigates, by using econometric evaluation methods, how the usage of Finpro's (a public agency promoting internationalization of business) services impacts on the internationalization and performance of small and medium-sized firms in Finland. We measure internationalization and...
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