Showing 1 - 10 of 58
This paper investigates whether economic conditions influence environmental policy by examining how policymakers voting on environmental legislation respond to changes in their state’s unemployment rate. The outcome of interest is a US Senator’s League of Conservation Voters score, which...
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We add social norms into Laffont’s mechanism designed for environmental risk. We find with endogenous social norms and asymmetric information about personal norms, the optimal contract induces more (less) effort from the “green” (“brown”) firm.
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Behavioral economists have argued that incentives can backfire. In a field experiment, we distribute “no junk mail” stickers to more than 800 households. We introduce information, monitoring, and rewards in treatments. We do not find evidence of motivation crowding out.
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This paper investigates whether economic conditions influence environmental policy by examining how policymakers voting on environmental legislation respond to changes in their state's unemployment rate. The outcome of interest is a U.S. Senator's League of Conservation Voters score, which...
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This paper uses an original panel dataset with posted prices and sales to estimate a dynamic demand. We find that consumers become more price sensitive as time to departure nears which is consistent with having lower valuations. This result provides empirical support to a key theoretical...
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This paper finds empirical support to systematic peak-load pricing in airlines---higher fares in ex-ante known congested periods. It estimates a congestion premia and supports the main empirical prediction in Gale and Holmes (1993) [Gale, I., Holmes, T., 1993. Advance-purchase discounts and...
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This paper proposes a new estimator for the fixed effects ordered logit model. In contrast to existing methods, the new procedure allows estimating the thresholds. The empirical relevance and simplicity of implementation is illustrated in an application on the effect of unemployment on life...
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We assess government solvency in the European Monetary Union (EMU), controlling for the interaction of fiscal policy with financial markets. We find a positive interaction, reflecting market-based pressures for fiscal improvement, and significant debt stabilization efforts, weakened in the...
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This paper proposes a test for path dependence in discrete panel data based on a characterization of stochastic processes that are mixtures of Markov chains. This test is applied to European Community Household Panel data on employment histories. The data allow to reject the null of no path...
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We employ covariance structure models to decompose the cross-sectional variance of male wages in Germany into its permanent and transitory parts. We find that the steep growth of cross-sectional inequality during the early 2000s is predominantly driven by transitory factors.
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