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War (1946-1954). Difference-in-difference estimations indicate that the children of mothers exposed to the education … of maternal education increases children's education by up to 0.65 years, a stronger effect than those found in the …
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This paper develops a framework for the quantitative analysis of individual income dynamics, mobility and welfare …. Individual income is assumed to follow a stochastic process with two (unobserved) components, an i.i.d. component representing … measurement error or transitory income shocks and an AR(1) component representing persistent changes in income. We use a tractable …
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income. We use household-level data to explain the postponing of consumption despite rapid income growth. Tracing cohorts …
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In Japan, intergenerational inequality in lifetime resources is substantial, with a heavier fiscal burden on the young than the old. Moreover, given the need for fiscal consolidation, the inequality is even worse than existing policy would suggest. However, this does not mean that fiscal...
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), linking parents to the children education levels for more than 14 million individuals across 28 African countries and 2 …. However, no significant effects are found for secondary and tertiary educational IM. Finally, we explore the income and …
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This paper proposes a novel shrinkage estimator for high-dimensional covariance matrices by extending the Oracle Approximating Shrinkage (OAS) of Chen et al. (2009) to target the diagonal elements of the sample covariance matrix. We derive the closed-form solution of the shrinkage parameter and...
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inflows of external income?the sum of remittances, FDI and general government transfers?from major oil-exporting economies … that real output in the long run is shaped by: (i) oil prices through their impact on external income and in turn on … the hypothesis that a large share of Jordan's output volatility can be associated with fluctuations in net income received …
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We estimate tax multipliers in a "Blanchard-Yaari" consumption model where Ricardian equivalence is broken because the private sector discounts the future at a faster rate than the real rate of interest. The model fits U.S. data since 1955 extremely well-entailing a discount wedge of around 20...
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a fall in their asset income by saving more out of their labor income, dollar-for-dollar. In the wake of the crisis, our …
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This paper estimates the impact of external demand shocks on real income. We utilize a first order approximation to a … income with respect to foreign shocks can be estimated using high-dimensional statistical techniques. Foreign demand shocks … in complex intermediate and capital goods have large positive impacts on real income, whereas impacts in other sectors …
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