Showing 91 - 100 of 162
The present study examines the impact of organizational justice on the three dimensions of work alienation identified by Seeman (1959), i.e., powerlessness, meaninglessness and selfestrangement. It is argued that the three common types of organizational justice (i.e., procedural, distributive,...
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This study analyses the readiness of multinational enterprises to export their human resource management (HRM) system to their subsidiaries abroad, depending on the perceived quality of the system and the differences in the cultural contexts of the headquarters and subsidiaries. Using a...
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Traditionally, literature has considered the need of the double fit, vertical and horizontal fit, of the human resource strategy in organizations. Its strategic importance has been empirically demonstrated in different studies, however, the complexity of this process demands deeper theoretical...
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This research intends to show whether the prevalence of individualistic or collectivist cultures in an organization can moderate the effects of the human resource policies on business performance. To date, there is a lack of literature which analyzes this relationship. A sample of 102 companies,...
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Is human resource management in local councils useful? In the current crisis, is the expenditure in this area justified? Although investment in human resources management has been widely studied at the private enterprise, research is scarce in the area of Spanish public administration. To fill...
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In personalwirtschaftlich motivierten Studien muessen oftmals Persoenlichkeitsmerkmale beruecksichtigt werden. Die validierten Standardinstrumente der Persoenlichkeitspsychologie sind aufgrund ihres Umfangs nur bedingt fuer diesen Zweck geeignet. Wir berichten ueber die Adaption eines...
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In der Diskussion um die berufliche Gleichstellung der Geschlechter spielt die bedingte Chancengleichheit eine wichtige Rolle. Bei gleichen Ausgangsbedingungen sollten Frauen wie Maennern die gleichen Karrieremoeglichkeiten offen stehen. Die Analyse der Karrieren von 43 Absolventinnen und 51...
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Die unternehmensinterne Besetzung von Stellen gilt als der Standardfall und wird auch im Bereich des Topmanagements empfohlen. Empirische Untersuchungen zeigen jedoch, dass ein nennenswerter Anteil der Spitzenfuehrungskraefte ueber Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg rekrutiert wird. Dieser Beitrag...
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The question of how the career path for professors should be structured is a central issue in the current debate on reforming higher education in Germany. In order to substantiate current discussions on promotion and faculty development this study presents empirical data on the biographies of...
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Drawing on the concept of idiosyncratic deals (i-deals), the study tests assumptions regarding interdependencies between individuals and organizations in determining work and employment conditions. I-deals are personalized arrangements individual employees negotiate with their employer. We...
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