Showing 1 - 10 of 17
We show and explain how generosity beyond that explainable by social preferences can manifest in bargaining. We analyze … proposers coalesce with the less demanding party by strategically matching demands, like ultimatum bargaining, but also give non …
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This article examines behavior in the two-player, constant-sum Colonel Blotto game with asymmetric resources in which players maximize the expected number of battlefields won. The experimental results support the main qualitative predictions of the theory. In the auction treatment, where winning...
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We study experimentally the effects of cost structure and prize allocation rules on the performance of rent-seeking contests. Most previous studies use a lottery prize rule and linear cost, and find both overbidding relative to the Nash equilibrium prediction and significant variation of...
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that it explains behavior across conditions and it is independently founded in psychology. I test projection equilibrium in …
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analyzing majority bargaining, where observed behavior contradicts existing theories but confirms RDA. Using parameter estimates … from majority bargaining, we then make out-of-sample predictions for Charness-Rabin, Engelmann-Strobel, and Bolton …
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This paper analyzes strategic choice in p-beauty contests. We first show that it is not generally a best reply to guess the expected target value (accounting for the own weight) even in games with n2 players and that iterated best response sequences are not unique even after perfect/cautious...
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, characterize the solution under complete information and establish outcome uniqueness (for both, sealed bid and Dutch formats … impossible, BMAs extend the model of proto-coalition bargaining and are specifically applied to government formation. …
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Are "generous" bargaining offers made out of fairness or in fear of rejection? We disentangle risk and social … references by analyzing experimental behavior in three majority bargaining games: (1) a random-proposer game with infinite time … strategies violate neither stationarity nor truncation consistency. This allows us to use structural models of bargaining …
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" coalition members may have more bargaining power in the subsequent negotiations than others. …
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The paper analyzes econometric models of altruistic giving in dictator and public goods games. Using existing data sets, I evaluate internal and external validity of "atheoretic" regression models as well as structural models of random behavior, random coefficients, and random utility,...
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