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We introduce a modification of the discounted utility model that accounts for both satiation and habit formation in intertemporal choice. Preferences depend on the satiation level and the habitual consumption level. These two state variables, together with the shape of the value function, drive...
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We study competitive positioning and pricing strategies in markets where consumers seek variety. Variety seeking behavior is modeled as a decrease in the willingness to pay for the product purchased on the previous purchase occasion. Using a three-stage Hotelling-type model, we show that the...
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This study develops and estimates a model to empirically identify two behavioral effects (namely consumption flexibility and state dependence) that may underlie temporal and horizontal assortment choice, using scanner panel data where consumption information is unavailable. The proposed approach...
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competition among manufacturers and retailers. To empirically validate the assumptions, we estimate logit demand systems jointly … creation and competitive advantage for logit demand systems and use our empirical results to illustrate how firms use …
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Though recent studies show that quality differentiation is an equilibrium outcome, products of similar qualities frequently are observed in the marketplace. This inconsistency may be explained by incorporating consumer heterogeneity along unobservable attributes into a model of competition. In...
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The multinomial logit model is a standard approach for determining the probability of purchase in product line problems …" of prices from the global optimum of a related, but concave logit profit function, to the global optimum of the true (but … nonconcave) logit profit function. …
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