Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Queueing systems managed by ticket technology are widely used in service industries as well as government offices. Upon arriving at a ticket queue, each customer is issued a numbered ticket. The number currently being served is displayed. An arriving customer balks if the difference between his...
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We study an order promising problem in a multiclass, available-to-promise (ATP) assembly system in the presence of <i>pseudo orders</i>. A pseudo order refers to a tentative customer order whose attributes, such as the likelihood of an actual order, order quantity, and confirmation timing, can change...
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The majority of reverse auctions for procurement use a single-attribute (price) format while providing constraints on nonprice attributes such as quality and lead time. Alternatively, a buyer could choose to conduct a multiattribute auction where bidders can specify both a price and levels of...
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We consider a multicomponent, single-product assemble-to-order (ATO) system that faces frequent, component-based technology innovations. For each component, there are two technologies with overlapping life cycles coexisting in the market. All cost parameters associated with each technology...
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In response to competitive pressures, firms are increasingly adopting revenue management opportunities afforded by advances in information and communication technologies. Motivated by these revenue management initiatives in industry, we consider a dynamic pricing problem facing a firm that sells...
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This paper considers a multicomponent, multiproduct periodic-review assemble-to-order (ATO) system that uses an independent base-stock policy for inventory replenishment. Product demands in each period are integer-valued correlated random variables, with each product being assembled from...
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