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In this paper we study how volatility in monetary policy affects economic performance in the presence of endogenously chosen information structures. To isolate the effects produced by the interaction of uncertainty in monetary policy and (possibly) asymmetric information, we consider a model in...
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This paper compares two methods to encourage socially optimal provision of a public good. We compare the efficacy of vigilante justice, as represented by peer-to-peer punishment, to delegated policing, as represented by the "hired gun" mechanism, to deter free riding and improve group welfare....
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Oates reminds us that tax competition among localities in the presence of capital mobility, may lead to inefficiently low tax rates (and benefits). In contrast, the Tiebout paradigm suggests that tax competition yields an efficient outcome, so that there are no gains from tax coordination. This...
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The foundations of incomplete contracts have been questioned using or extending the subgame perfect implementation approach of Moore and Repullo (1988). We consider the robustness of subgame perfect implementation to the introduction of small amounts of asymmetric information. We show that...
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outline a theory that considers conditions under which a politician would and would not prefer reputational development and …
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We define and study transparency, credibility, and reputation in a model where the central bank's characteristics are … the sense that it induces lower inflation and employment than expected. Increased transparency makes the bank's reputation …
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rate of return by saving abroad. Bulow and Rogoff conjecture that, even under condition (ii), in more general reputation … models with multiple relationships and spillover across them, reputation may support debt. This paper shows what is needed …
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"reputation", a valuable asset which provides an incentive for firms to not choose risky projects. The second hypothesis is that … prior to the establishment of a reputation new firms issuing debt are monitored more intensely. The sample studied consists … reputation effect in debt prices is confirmed: the debt of new banks is discounted more heavily than banks with credit histories …
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I develop a model in which sovereign debtors repay debt in order to maintain a reputation for repayment. Repayment …
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When governments choose trade policy, rarely do they have complete information, At the time decisions are made, policy makers have only estimates of market responses, as well as the responses of foreign governments. In many realistic situations, even the policy objectives of other governments...
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