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study gender differences in promotion rates and in the wage gains attached to promotions. Several unique features of our … attached to promotions, and relatively few studies on gender differences have considered promotions and wage increases together … there is essentially no gender difference in wage growth with or without promotions …
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This paper summarizes research on gender differences in economic settings. I discuss gender differences in attitudes … toward competition, altruism and the closely related issue of cooperation, and risk preferences. While gender differences in …. Surprisingly, the results are also quite mixed when concerning gender differences in risk attitudes. I discuss the external …
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developing countries, but there is surprisingly little evidence on the effectiveness of such a policy. We study gender gaps in …-grade and student gender by grade fixed effects, we find that both male and female teachers are more effective at teaching … students of their own gender; (3) However, female teachers are more effective overall, resulting in girls' test scores …
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's gender pay gap. Using micro-data for 22 countries over the 1985-94 period, we find that more compressed male wage structures … and lower female net supply are both associated with a lower gender pay gap. Since it is likely that labor market … between the gender pay gap and male wage inequality suggests that wage-setting mechanisms, such as encompassing collective …
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The human capital explanation of sex differences in wages is that women intend to work in the labor market more intermittently than men, and therefore invest less. This lower investment leads to lower wages and wage growth. The alternative "feedback" hypothesis consistent with the same facts is...
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Modern personnel practices, social consensus, and the Depression acted in concert to delay the emergence of married women in the American economy through an institution known as the "marriage bar." Marriage bars were policies adopted by firms and local school boards, from about the early 1900's...
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countries. I begin by describing how gender norms influence the relationship between economic development and female employment …, as well as how gender norms vary substantially across societies at the same level of economic development. I then examine … several specific gender-related social norms and how they constrain women's employment. I present examples of policies aimed …
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mixed-gender productivity, gender roles and gender identity. Our context is the military in Norway, where we randomly … mixed-gender teams perform as well or better than same-gender teams, an 8 percentage point increase in men who think … gender-skewed environment, gender stereotypes are malleable and can be altered by integrating members of the opposite sex …
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the parental gender gap in wages and income. At the same time, working in more family friendly workplaces would not reduce …
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Decades of research on the U.S. gender gap in wages describes its correlates, but little is known about why women … the Pill can account for 10 percent of the convergence of the gender gap in the 1980s and 30 percent in the 1990s …
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