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Stochastic rationing when the market does not clear draws attention because both Dreze (1975) and Benassy (1975 …. His stochastic rationing depends on all the individual effective demands. It is too vague to characterize a rationing … (1978) to characterizing the rationing scheme as the individual effective demand times the rationing number which is a …
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A central question concerning the economic motivation for the adoption of workers' compensation is the extent to which workers had access to their desired levels of private accident insurance around the turn of the century. If insurance were rationed then workers' primary option would have been...
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Markets that involve customers waiting for services or goods in queues whose length they cannot observe are studied. In these markets suppliers truncate queues that become so long that they jeopardize the supplier's future relations with the customer. The length of the queue and the probability...
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by Dreze. This is why recent authors in disequilibrium analysis study the stochastic rationing mechanism. Douglas Gale … proved the existence of the equilibrium with stochastic rationing mechanism. However, Gale 's rationing mechanism requires an …. Green examined a rationing scheme which depends only on the individual effective demand and the aggregate signals. However …
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This paper shows that the capitalization of local amenities is effectively priced into land via a two-part pricing formula: a "ticket" price paid regardless of the amount of housing service consumed and a "slope" price paid per unit of services. We first show theoretically how tickets arise as...
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Common resources may be managed with inefficient policies for the sake of equity. We study how rationing the commons … that rationing binds on input use, such that farmers, despite trivial prices for water extraction, use roughly the socially … optimal amount of water on average. The rationing regime is still grossly inefficient, because it misallocates water across …
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This paper investigates whether the minimum wage leads to inefficient job rationing. By not allowing wages to clear the … rationing by examining whether the reservation wages of employed unskilled workers in states where the 1990-1991 federal minimum …
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This paper compares the financing of new ventures in start-ups (entrepreneurship) and in established firms (intrapreneurship). Intrapreneurship allows established firms to use information on failed intrapreneurs to redeploy them into other jobs. By contrast, failed entrepreneurs must seek other...
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This paper studies quantitative implications of model economies that exhibit multiple equilibria. The goal is to assess two interrelated issues. First, do economies with multiple equilibria have falsifiable predictions? Second, is identification possible in economies that exhibit multiple...
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This paper compares the dynamics of two general equilibrium models of endogenous growth in which agents have comparison utility.' In the inward-looking' economy, individuals care about how their consumption in the current period compares to their own consumption in the past (one way to describe...
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