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A new interest in the role of services in world transactions has been generated by the current efforts of the U. S …. Government to reduce barriers to international trade in services.The paper distinguishes four different classifications of … economic activities between services and corrmodities. Service industries -- those producing non-storable outputs -- have been …
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The relative price of services rises with development. A standard interpretation of this fact is that productivity … differences across countries are larger in manufacturing than in services. The service sector comprises heterogeneous categories … negative income elasticity of relative prices, whereas the relative price of aggregate services is mostly driven by large …
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We link a new UK management survey covering 8,000 firms to panel data on productivity in manufacturing and services …
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find that clinic violence reduces abortion services in targeted areas. Once travel is taken into account, however, the …
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) by adding newly traded goods and services and that much of this new trade is in intermediates. I provide an extension of …
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Two central topics in recent rounds of international trade negotiations have been environmental concerns, and services … trade. While each is undoubtedly important, they are unrelated. In this paper I show that the services-environment link is … small, for two reasons. First, services account for only a small fraction of overall pollution. For none of five major air …
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Salinger (2005, 2008), we develop a simple model of an advertising agency's decision to unbundle its services as a tradeoff …This paper addresses a longstanding puzzle involving the unbundling of services that has occurred over more than two … decades in the U.S. advertising agency industry: How can the shift from the bundling to the unbundling of services be …
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In this paper we revisit two well-known facts regarding lifecycle expenditures. The first is the familiar "hump" shaped lifecycle profile of nondurable expenditures. We document that the behavior of total nondurables masks surprising heterogeneity in the lifecycle profile of individual...
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This study examines two innovative efforts to provide union services to workers with the aid of low cost Internet … information to improve the services they give workers. Combining the two innovations could be a step toward a new "open source …" union form that provides union services at low cost outside of collective bargaining …
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purposes, give rise to phantom flows of services from the foreign affiliates to the US and to other countries and remove the … definitions of residence. An example of that dependence and the ambiguities it creates is exports of educational services, a …World trade in services has recently been a little under $US2 trillion, about a quarter of world trade in goods. That …
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