Showing 1 - 10 of 81
A direct numerical simulation of a turbulent flow field with a lattice BGK method is presented. A spatial coarse graining of the numerical results is compared with the expected LBGK dynamics for a flow field on a reduced lattice size. This comparison permits to exhibit subgrid properties of the...
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The potential role of resummation techniques in the kinetic-theory approach to subgrid turbulence modeling is discussed.
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Based on the well-known mapping between the Burgers equation with noise and the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang (KPZ) equation for fluctuating interfaces, we develop a fluctuating lattice Boltzmann (LB) scheme for growth phenomena, as described by the KPZ formalism. A very simple LB-KPZ scheme is...
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A mean-field approach (filtering out subgrid scales) is applied to the Boltzmann equation in order to derive a subgrid turbulence model based on kinetic theory. It is demonstrated that the only Smagorinsky type model which survives in the hydrodynamic limit on the viscosity time scale is the...
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A thermodynamical formalism for resistor networks is developed in order to extract full information on the multifractal scaling structure. We introduce a matrix representation and study the moments of the voltage distribution Z̃(β) = ∑i=1N|Vi|β α N -F̄(β) where N is the number of...
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This brief overview is designed to introduce some of the advances that have occurred in our understanding of percolation phenomena. We organize our presentation around three simple questions: (i) What are percolation phenomena? (ii) Why do we care? (iii) What do we actually do? To answer the...
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We model the time series of the S&P500 index by a combined process, the AR+GARCH process, where AR denotes the autoregressive process which we use to account for the short-range correlations in the index changes and GARCH denotes the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic process...
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This manuscript is based on four opening lectures, which were designed to offer a brief and somewhat parochial overview of some “exotic” statistical physics puzzles of possible interest to biophysicists, medical physicists, and econophysicists. These include the statistical properties of DNA...
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We review recent numerical simulations of several models of interface growth in d-dimensional media with quenched disorder. These models belong to the universality class of anisotropic diode-resistor percolation networks. The values of the roughness exponent δ=0.63±0.01 (d=1+1) and...
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It is known that some dimeric tandem repeats (DTR) are very abundant in noncoding DNA. We find that certain DTR length distribution functions in noncoding DNA can be fit by a power law function. We analyze a simplified model of unequal chromosomal crossing over and find that it produces a stable...
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