Showing 1 - 10 of 32
More and more enterprises throughout the world use Information Security Management System on the basis of an international standard package of British origin, the ISO/IEC 2700x. Security policy and the necessary controls are specified on the evidence of business scopes and the strategy of the...
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The objectives of the article are to introduce some important characteristics comparing them with international practices on the base of OECD method. The point of the OECD based method is to investigate the proportion of direct and indirect taxes in the structure of state incomings as well as...
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The communication protocols used on the internet are plaintext based. Even the usernames and corresponding passwords can be eavesdropped easily. Because of the continuous competition in business life enterprises may want (or better to say: should) improve the security of their data security...
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In the European union there are two basic models: the ‘Pay As You Go’ system, based on the solidarity, and the system of individual accounts where you will be returned the amount you paid in. The ‘Pay As You Go’ system assures good security for the contribution payers, but very difficult...
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The objectives of the article are to introduce some important characteristics comparing them with international practices on the base of OECD method. The point of the OECD based method is to investigate the proportion of direct and indirect taxes in the structure of state incomings as well as...
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A közgazdaságtan versenyzõ partnerek viszonyaként jellemzi a gazdasági folyamatokat, ahol a piac alapvetõ mozgatórugója a piaci szereplõk versenye. A szereplõk egymással versengve igyekeznek saját céljaikat érvényesíteni, a verseny határozza meg a jövedelmek eloszlását, a...
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In our days few managers think strategically about pricing, and few companies proactively manage their business to create the condition that foster more profitable pricing. Sometimes pricing decisions are made without reference to the company’s broad strategic choices – whom to target, what...
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Mit der zunehmenden Auseinanderdriften zwischen Arm und Reich, Norden und Süden der Welt, geht eine Verelendung vieler Menschen einher. Durch die Medien werden alle Menschen über diese Prozesse und Erscheinungen informiert und dies beeinträchtigt auch die Lebensqualität der vermögenden...
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Creating local zoning regulations is a complicated procedure, involving considerable conflict due to the large circle of interested parties. Therefore, feasibility studies in these instances cannot focus only on profitability analysis; rather, in addition, the needs of all stakeholders must be...
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