Showing 1 - 10 of 139
This book offers a comprehensive empirical analysis of educational inequalities and their consequences on individual labor market outcomes for men and women in France and Germany, two countries with different education systems. Using microdata from the two countries, the analyses mainly rely on...
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This book offers a comprehensive empirical analysis of continuing vocational training in Germany. Specific issues concerning continuing training that are debated in academia as well as in public are discussed. Wage and productivity effects of training are analyzed, explicitly accounting for the...
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Forschungsstand zum Wissenserwerb bei Studierenden -- Theoretische Modellierung des Erwerbs und der Veränderung des betriebswirtschaftlichen Wissens -- Empirische Studie und Testinstrumente zur Messung der Wissensveränderung -- Entwicklung eines Mehrebenenstrukturgleichungsansatzes für...
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U.K., Japan, France and Germany with respect to the United States is conducted. The resulting conclusion is that real …
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Menschliches Verhalten und Käuferverhalten wurden bereits in ihren unterschiedlichen Facetten und aus der Perspektive verschiedener wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Disziplinen beleuchtet. So wurde beispielsweise das Verhalten von Investoren, d.h. von Käufern an Finanzmärkten, aus der Sicht...
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This Brief explores school funding reform in the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. In 1990, Kentucky passed the Kentucky Education Reform Act designed to overhaul that state’s education system. Two years later, Tennessee passed the Education Improvement Act which included the Basic Education...
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Structural change is an evolutionary process that is often cumulative within territories, improving the quality of life and achieving higher development levels. At the same time, smart cities, education and social innovation are essential to promoting sustainable development. This book examines...
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Outlining important policy requirements for Bangladesh to become an upper middle-income country, the book presents research work conducted during the project “Changing Labor Markets in Bangladesh: Understanding Dynamics in Relation to Economic Growth and Poverty,” sponsored by the...
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This book explores the issue of consumer financial education, responding to increased interest in, and calls to improve peoples’ financial literacy skills and abilities to understand and manage their money. New conceptual frameworks introduced in the book offer academic audiences an innovative...
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This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book provides an original and challenging analysis of one of the most pressing social issues of our times: intergenerational inequality. Based on recent mixed-method research, it explores the extent and scope of generational divides...
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