Showing 1 - 10 of 123
Preface -- Ch 1 Governmental Administration and the Security of Romania in a Global Context -- Ch 2 Geopolitics and Security by the Black Sea: The Strategic Options of Romania and Moldova.- Ch 3 Transfer and Diffusion of New Technologies within the Supply Chain of multinational companies with...
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This book contributes to the discussion on wisdom in management, leadership and strategy by developing a unique theoretical approach. Integrating rational-analytical, intuitive and philosophical dimensions of wise decision-making, it advocates a broadly Platonic-Socratic view on wisdom. Applying...
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The new developments across the Taiwan Strait have illuminated the dilemma of the 'One China' policy, which could mislead to inconsistent or even contradictory policies, and result in devastating military confrontation between China and the U.S. and possibly Japan
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Companies face a variety of risks resulting from cost reduction strategies, rationalization measures, global sourcing, and outsourcing activities. Due to the large number of actors involved, extremely close ties emerge, which significantly increase supply chains’ vulnerability to disruptions -...
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This book discusses history of mental construction of the boundary between India and Bangladesh. It investigates how and when a boundary was constructed between the people, and discusses how the mental construction preceded the physical construction. It also examines the perils faced by those...
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Cluster und regionale Netzwerke in Deutschland, Frankreich und der Schweiz -- Management der Initiativen und Umsetzung von Qualitätsstandards -- Umfassende Bestandsaufnahme der Ansprechpersonen in der Trinationalen Metropolregion Oberrhein.
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Die Rolle des Unternehmers bei der Internationalisierung von KMU -- Das Konstrukt der psychischen Distanz -- Psychische Distanz als intervenierende Variable der Bereitschaft des Unternehmers zur grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation -- Der qualitative Forschungsprozess -- Empirische Ergebnisse --...
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Qualitätsmessung als Herausforderung für das Management von Dienstleistungscentern -- Konzeptionelle Fundierung der Qualität eines Dienstleistungscenters -- Entwicklung eines Modells zur Erfassung der qualität in Dienstleistungscentern -- Empirische Konzeptionalisierung der Konstrukte des...
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A group of internationally recognised experts examine the recent trends of cross-border movements of people, goods and economic activity at fifteen major borders in the Greater Mekong Sub-region with the aim of predicting the long terms future for this region.
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This book examines the demographic development of Russia from the late Russian Empire to the contemporary Russian Federation, and includes discussions of marriage patterns, fertility, mortality, and inter-regional migration. In this pioneering study, the authors present the first...
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