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International business scholars have conducted a considerable amount of research on both headquarters-subsidiary relationships and subsidiary roles. The horizontal relationships between foreign subsidiaries, however, have not gained much attention - although these linkages are important to the...
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In the past decades, the notion of differentiated subsidiary roles within multinational network corporations has inspired a considerable amount of research. Surprisingly, the question of whether headquarters and subsidiary managers perceive a certain subsidiary’s role in the same way has been...
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The book describes the strategies and processes of a multi-national US corporation, Motorola, applied in entering emerging markets around the globe. It details the structured approach, innovative ways and concerted efforts involved. Executives learned how to gain foothold in unknown territory...
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Aufstrebende Unternehmen aus Nationen wie z.B. China oder Indien - Emerging Market Multinationals (EMNCs) - erlangen zunehmende Präsenz auf den Weltmärkten. Die Finanzkrise verdeutlichte die Relevanz der Finanzierung u.a. von (Internationalisierungs-) Strategien. Stephanie Graser untersucht im...
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Konzeption der Business Development Methodik -- Motivation der Betrachtung von Emerging Markets -- Betrachtungsweise von Emerging Markets -- Von Märkten zu Räumen -- Exemplifikation der Business Development Methodik -- Transfer des Tensors -- Mutation des Tensors -- Rückkopplung des Tensors...
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Establishing Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises -- Pre-Investment Planning -- Establishing Manufacturing and Service WFOEs -- Establishing Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprises (FICE) -- Retailing, Wholesaling, Distribution and Franchising -- Full Implementing Rules and Draft Articles of...
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In the changing geography of innovation, multinational corporations play a key role as creators of knowledge. Innovation and the Multinational Firm investigates how innovation is managed within these firms by focusing particularly on subsidiaries and host-locations
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Internationalization processes have long been a core topic of International Business research. Very little focus, however, was thereby put on how foreign subsidiaries themselves internationalize. Nicolas Lohr investigates how foreign subsidiaries of multinational corporations expand their...
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Wilhelm Griga explores benefits of inpatriation, issues, remediation strategies, and factors influencing inpatriate assignment effectiveness to better fulfill individual and organizational demands. The author covers inpatriation theory and presents empirical research results on inpatriates from...
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In the field of international business, it is increasingly recognized that Multinational Corporations (MNCs) can no longer rely on headquarters as the single source of competitive advantage. Therefore, growing interest centers on decentralized entrepreneurial initiatives that originate in their...
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