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, monitor, and mitigate risk, especially in the context of globalization, market volatility, and economic crisis. This three … Performance under Stochastic Volatility and Stochastic Interest Rates" C.H. Ted Hong on "Dynamic Econometric Loss Model: A Default …
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Finanzoptionen werden von Kapitalmarktakteuren zu Absicherungs-, Spekulations- und Arbitragezwecken eingesetzt. Dem Black/Scholes-Modell kommt in der Finanzwirtschaft eine herausragende Bedeutung zu, da es sowohl zur Bewertung von Optionen als auch zur Berechnung der impliziten Volatilität...
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Given the explosion of interest in mathematical methods for solving problems in finance and trading, a great deal of research and development is taking place in universities, large brokerage firms, and in the supporting trading software industry. Mathematical advances have been made both...
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Commodity markets present several challenges for quantitative modeling. These include high volatilities, small sample data sets, and physical, operational complexity. In addition, the set of traded products in commodity markets is more limited than in financial or equity markets, making value...
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Mean Reversion in Commodity Prices -- Fundamentals of Derivative Pricing -- Stochastic Volatility Models -- Integration … stochastic volatility, jumps in the underlying and the price process and a stochastic target level as well as with deterministic …
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The scientific debate of recent years about option pricing with respect to fractional Brownian motion was focused on the feasibility of the no arbitrage pricing approach. As the unrestricted fractional market setting allows for arbitrage, the conventional reasoning is that fractional Brownian...
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Finanzmathematische Grundlagen -- Eigenschaften und Bewertung von Derivaten -- Der Einsatz von Derivaten -- Hedging mit Derivaten -- Derivate zur Optimierung der Performance -- Risikosteuerung -- Besondere Herausforderungen beim Derivateeinsatz -- Derivate als Informationsquelle.
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Presents the developments arising from the combination of mathematics, numerical analysis, and finance. This book covers a wide range of topics, from portfolio management and asset pricing, to performance, risk, debt and real option evaluation. It also presents applications of a variety of...
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Robustification of an on-line EM algorithm for modelling asset prices within an HMM -- Stochastic volatility or … -- Parameter estimation in a weak hidden Markov model with independent drift and volatility -- Parameter estimation in a regime …
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