Showing 1 - 10 of 157
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Abgeleitet aus der Diskrepanz zwischen den Einschätzungen von Expertinnen und Experten und der aktuellen Situation am Mobile Payment Markt zielt dieses Buch auf die Identifikation der zentralen Faktoren der Mobile Payment Akzeptanz aus der Sicht potentieller Nutzerinnen und Nutzer ab. Die...
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Charakteristika des Mobile Shoppings -- Theoretische Grundlagen der Akzeptanzmessung -- Darstellung eines Modellansatzes zur Akzeptanzermittlung -- Methodische Grundlagen zur Akzeptanzerforschung -- Ergebnisse zur empirischen Akzeptanzuntersuchung.
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This open access book tells the story of how Sweden is becoming a virtually cashless society. Its goal is to improve readers’ understanding of what is driving this transition, and of the factors that are fostering and hampering it. In doing so, the book covers the role of central banks,...
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This book examines the nature of retail financial transaction infrastructures. Contributions assume a long-term outlook in their exploration of the key financial processes and systems that support a global transition to a cashless economy. The volume offers both modern and historic accounts that...
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The European payment market has undergone rapid transformation in recent years due to changes in payment habits, new business rules and new legal frameworks and regulation. There has also been an advent of new technologies and payment solutions which has altered the European payments landscape...
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This book aims to study the factors affecting the adoption and diffusion of Health Information Technology (HIT) innovation. It analyzes the adoption processes of various tools and applications, particularly Electronic Health Records (EHR), highlighting the impact on various sectors of the...
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Problemstellung -- Der Checkout im Handel -- Begriffliche Abgrenzung und Einordnung der Kundenzufriedenheit -- Bisherige Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Selbstbedienungskassen auf das Konsumentenverhalten -- Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Theorien zur Erklärung der Kundenzufriedenheit mit neuen...
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This open access Pivot demonstrates how a variety of technologies act as innovation catalysts within the banking and financial services sector. Traditional banks and financial services are under increasing competition from global IT companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon and PayPal whilst...
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This book investigates how the Blockchain Technology (BCT) for Supply Chain Finance (SCF) programs allows businesses to come together in partnerships and accelerate cash flows throughout the supply chain. BCT promises to change the way individuals and corporations exchange value and information...
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