Showing 1 - 8 of 8
This paper proposes the use of priority purchase contracts as a means to coordinate utility purchases from non-utility generators. It is shown that differentiated contracts should have the potential for attracting more diverse, NUG proposals (in terms of technical and economic characteristics)....
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This paper extends recent work on interruption insurance for electric power by introducing onsite backup generation capacity as a supplementary form of interruption insurance. The basic model of interruption insurance as a mechanism for differential pricing is reviewed, the incentive for...
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Priority pricing of interruptible electric service induces each customer to self select a rationing priority that matches the rank order of its interruption loss. This paper extends the theory by considering the possibility of early notification, an option offered by many electric utilities. The...
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We make a systematic examination of the options for incorporating environmental adders into auctions for non-utility generation. To date, adders have been a popular tool of some regulators for the planning process, but have not been embraced as a tool for operations. We argue that any rational...
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The main thesis of this paper is that passive transmission rights such as Transmission Congestion Contracts (TCCs) that are compensated ex-post based on nodal prices resulting from optimal dispatch by an Independent System Operator (ISO) will be preempted by the strategic bidding of the...
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Using a complete information game-theoretic model, we analyze the performance of different electricity auction structures in attaining efficiency (i. e., least-cost dispatch). We find that an auction structure where generators are allowed to bid for load "slices" outperforms an auction structure...
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