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We study utility indifference pricing of claim streams with intertemporalconsumption and power (CRRA) utilities. We derive explicit formulasfor the derivatives of the utility indifference price with respect toclaims and wealth. The simple structure of these formulas is a reflectionof surprising...
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We analyze an equilibrium model in which agents exposed to idiosyncraticrisk can purchase insurance policies in addition to financialassets. The price of an insurance contract depends nonlinearly on theclaims and explicitly contains safety loadings, proportional to variance.We consider random...
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We solve the problem of optimal securitization for an issuer facing heterogeneous investorswith arbitrary time and risk preferences. We show that the optimal securitizationis characterized by multiple nonlinear tranches, and each investor gets a portfolio of thesetranches. In particular, when...
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We derive representations for the stock price drift and volatility in theequilibrium of agents with arbitrary, heterogeneous utility functionsand with the aggregate dividend following an arbitrary Markov diffusion.We introduce a new, intrinsic characteristic of the aggregate dividendprocess that...
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Although examples of deception and fraud in business have generated widespread interest in themotivations for honest behavior, little is known about individual differences in the propensity totell the truth. This paper highlights the role of honesty as a protected value, maintaining thatsome...
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A large literature studies the predictability of stock returns by other lagged nancialvariables in a predictive regression setting. A common feature of widely used testingprocedures is a failing robustness, which may lead to misleading conclusions determinedby the particular features of a small...
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We introduce a new class of flexible and tractable matrix a±ne jump-diffusions (AJD) to modelmultivariate sources of financial risk. We first provide a complete transform analysis of this model class,which opens a range of new potential applications to, e.g., multivariate option pricing with...
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This paper analyzes the relation between correlation risk and the cross-section of hedge fund returns.Legal framework and investment mandate imply that hedge funds can be severely exposed tocorrelation risk: Hedge funds ability to enter long-short positions can be useful to reduce marketbeta,...
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This paper examines the role of bond ratings and the effects of rating-based regulations in thecorporate bond market. Exploiting an unanticipated mechanical change in how the benchmarkLehman bond indices are constructed in 2005, we show that rating-induced market segmentationof the bond market...
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The well-known absence-of-arbitrage condition NFLVR from the fundamentaltheorem of asset pricing splits into two conditions, called NA and NUPBR.We give a literature overview of several equivalent reformulations of NUPBR;these include existence of a growth-optimal portfolio, existence of the...
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