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he COVID-19 pandemic calls for a collective response at the global and regional level. Otherwise, some nations may be left behind and the potential for the contagion to return remains high. As advanced regional blocs, the EU and ASEAN have a major responsibility to their members for coordinating...
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School closures in the context of COVID-19 have been shown to magnify that problem, with at least seven million additional dropouts worldwide in 2020. Despite efforts from governments around the world to mitigate learning gaps by the time in-person classes return, interventions to motivate...
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Models based on economic theory have serious problems at forecasting exchange rates better than simple univariate … forecasting. In addition, we adopt a driftless random walk prior, so that cross-dynamics matter for forecasting only if there is …
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We propose a new approach to forecasting the term structure of interest rates, which allows to efficiently extract the … forecasting performance of our proposed model relative to most of the existing alternative specifications. While most of the … useful for forecasting. …
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growth through capital accumulation. This paper contributes to this literature. As opposed to the previous studies, which …
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Using a two-sector endogenous growth model, this paper explores how productivity shocks in the goods and human capital … observed variation in these aggregates. We find that while neither of the workhorse growth models uniformly dominates the other … two technology shocks in the human capital model is greater than the Hicks-neutral shock in the RBC model in the medium …
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The Chicago Fed dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model is used for policy analysis and forecasting at the …
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used to obtain a nowcast for GDP growth in the first quarter and an outlook until the third quarter 2021. We purge the …. These monthly shocks are included in a univariate model for quarterly GDP growth to capture timely, current …-quarter unexpected changes in growth dynamics. Included shocks explain additionally 24% in GDP growth variation. The model is able to …
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impact of these shocks on economic growth. This paper reviews the literature on macroeconomic vulnerability and finds that …
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a major global health crisis, the onset of which, and containment policies for, have also led to a global economic crisis. The effects of the pandemic on the economies of various countries depended on their position in the international economic hierarchy, and...
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