Showing 1 - 10 of 78
Serbian Abstract: У раду се анализирају утицаји структуре тржишта (распореда тржишних удела) и броја друштава за осигурање на степен концентрације (и конкуренције) у...
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Serbian Abstract: U radu se analizira koncentracija u sektoru osiguranja i uticaj strukture tržišta (rasporeda tržišnih udela) i broja osiguravajućih društava na stepen koncentracije (i konkurencije) u sektoru osiguranja u Srbiji (bez Kosova i Metohije) u desetogodišnjem periodu od 2011....
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Serbian Abstract: Честа је појава да политичке странке и појединци у току предизборне кампање покушавају да негативном кампањом остваре одређену предност у односу на...
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The paper deals with quality management in the sector of Tourist Information Centres (TIC) in the Czech Republic and the development of the quality management systems in the sector as part of the national quality management system in tourism. Since the TICs perform a prominent role in...
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Nowadays marketing is often criticized for its low productivity: high corporate expenses on marketing are not balanced by equal customer satisfaction and loyalty. The source of this problem can be found in low effectiveness and ethical standard of the marketing activities. Wastefulness and low...
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The article deals with the connection between marketing and RFID, which represents the new technological phenomenon. The forecast until 2015 is presented, using american sources.
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