Showing 1 - 10 of 40
Our study contains application of Latent Semantic Indexing on financial crises prediction. Hypothesis to test was that equity markets are able to predict even sharp changes in monetary policy during a quarter ahead of such a change (which was searched during two quarters that followed). This...
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Tøi dùležité výzvy: zavádìní nových strategií mìnové politiky, vypozorované odlišnosti v prùbìhu finanèních krizí mezi rozvinutými a rozvíjejícími se ekonomikami a vznik EMU ? napomohly v poslední dekádì posunout úvahy o transmisním mechanizmu mìnové politiky....
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The relatively long term period of stability before the present crises called even "Great Moderation" or "Golden Age of Central Banking" indicated that the infl ation targeting was a success story. As of 2008 a lot has changed and the debate over "Leaning against the wind or Clean afterwards?"...
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Learning process is a new approach of filling the gap between adaptive expectations and rational expectations. Private agents are learning new information and adjust their expectation about the inflation and output gap. Central bank transparency is one of the key factors of learning by private...
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The Czech Republic is going to face ageing of its population. It will affect the economy in many ways. The pension system is one of them. This paper provides a view on possibilities how to insure long-term stability of the pension system in the Czech Republic using a mix of pay-as-you-go and...
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Our paper focuses on the analysis of supply and demand shocks and on the estimation of expected costs of introducing Euro currency into Czech Republic (CR). The analysis is based on the theory of optimal currency areas by Mundell (1961, 1973) and uses a macroeconomic approach formalized by...
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The European Commission is going to discuss a revision of Directive 2003/96/ EC, restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity. The first proposals include a new energy taxation system, where the current energy tax is divided into two components - an...
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Over the past few years, the Value at Risk indicator (VaR) has evolved, without doubt, into the most frequently used comprehensive tool for assessment of potential losses caused by adverse changes in market rates. However, the common models used for VaR assessment are based only on mid prices...
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The author of this paper criticizes the broad, cash-flow based concepts of seignorage that were introduced and emphasized by the economic literature of the 1990s (i.e., fiscal seignorage, total seignorage, etc.), which the author argues are ill justified and confusing. On the other hand, the two...
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Autoøi se ve svém èlánku pokoušejí odpovìdìt na otázku, zda proces eliminace neperspektivních firem napomohl oživení èeské ekonomiky na konci 90. let. Pro rok 1999 prokázali vysokou míru podobnosti provozních výsledkù (produktivita práce, pøidaná hodnota na zamìstnance,...
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