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The core aim of this paper is to suggest comprehensive definition of the information economy and delineate the range of economic problems it deals with, paying particular attention to its connections to the economics of information. The text, in the extent provided, can not investigate...
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Európske stratégie v rámci spoločnej dopravnej politiky Európskej únie obsahujú súbory opatrení navrhovaných Európskou komisiou s cieľom zvýšiť kvalitu, bezpečnosť a konkurencieschopnosť jednotlivých druhov dopravy. Tento článok sa zaoberá tak cieľmi a opatreniami Bielej...
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This paper describes the main theoretical concepts of the competition, which is thought to be the fundamental social process in the economy. The protection of competition (or the competition policy) is the one of the most important parts of economic policy, because the competition ensures the...
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The paper deals with equilibrium real price of a fixed asset in a growing economy. The supply of this kind of assets is by assumption fixed. Land or unique works of art are probably their closest empirical counterparts. Economic growth is manifested by a systematic increase in the real price of...
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The initial point for the strategy formulation is the complete understanding of the environment. The understanding of these changes and the trends is crucial for the strategy creation. There are introduced results concerning the corporate strategy and the environment. 252 answer sheets were...
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The article explains the way in which success-ability concept in understanding of resources of competitive advantages follows up with resource based view and core competencies conception. It defines how success-ability concept operates with the projection of necessity to distinguish the various...
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To profile the strategy well require, above all other basic natural tasks, seeing the strategy as connected to other market actors behavior. Company coalition alignment is just not enough. We also have to take into account behavior of the competition. In our article we want to partly uncover...
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This paper presents the basics of the Transaction cost theory (TCT) and shows it's contribution to the Theory of the firm by the view of the new institutional economics. In the first part, author presents resources and presumptions of the TCT mainly by O. E. Williamson. The theory is based on...
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Dne 9. prosince 2004 přijala Slovenská republika zákony o konkurze a reštrukturalizácii a o správcoch, které byly vyhlášeny pod čísly 7/2005 Z.z. a 8/2005 Z.z. Stalo se tak necelých osmnáct měsíců poté, co vláda Slovenské republiky schválila v červenci 2003 legislativní...
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