Showing 1 - 10 of 25
Czech Abstract: Článek zkoumá pojetí pravdy v ekonomii. Je argumentováno, že pravda je v ekonomii chápána jak ve smyslu korespondence, tak ve smyslu koherence. Konkrétně platí, že aplikovaná ekonomie pracuje s pojetím pravdy v prvním smyslu, kdežto teoretická ekonomie ve smyslu...
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A case study is a valuable instrument for teaching and examining business related disciplines. Application and utilization of case studies have been discussed at length in the academic literature. To a lesser degree, authors have addressed the issue of case production. Case studies can be...
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The author raises doubts about a sense of "catching up" and an idolatry of HDP´s growth. His argumentation is based on the longitudinal international research of the link "economics-happiness" at the frontier between economics and psychology. The rationality of economic science "more is better"...
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Changes in international business environment in the beginning of 90ties had infl uenced marketing strategies of many companies. The main objective of the article is to analyze actual trends and their infl uence on international business activities. The analysis of the main types of...
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The paper deals with the thematic structure of journal articles according to the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification system. For this purpose, three representative periodicals from 1999 to 2002 are analysed by examining the publications by Czech and European economists. The...
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The article deals with socio-economic aspects of responsible behaviour of owners, entrepreneurs and managers in practice of economic transformation. As the starting point of defining the concept of responsibility serves the elaboration of basic theoretical economic, juristic, philosophical and...
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Úspešnou ekonomikou na svetovom trhu môže byť iba taká trhová ekonomika, ktorá dokáže produkovať také výsledky, ktoré obsahujú maximum informácií, ľudského intelektu stelesneného v jednotlivých produktoch. Na základe tohto poznania osobitná pozornosť je venovaná práve...
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In this paper the results of the primary research into business sphere in manufacturing industry are discussed. For our analysis we used questionnaire survey - the results of the primary research reflect firms´competitiveness and innovative activities from the managers´point of view. The...
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The paper considers company performance measures and the development of the Economic Value Added (EVA) indicator in volatile economies, particularly in the case of the Czech Republic. Methods used for pyramidal analysis, their assumptions, and their application possibilities are discussed. A...
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This paper attempts to contribute to the analysis of links between state aid and competitiveness of manufacturing industries during 1998-2002. Statistical source on subsidies include all subsidies to capital gathered on enterprise level by Czech Statistical Office. The enterprise data have been...
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