Showing 1 - 10 of 618
This paper analyses an open economy Ramsey model with an endogenous labour supply without capital. The technology defines an optimal firm size. Changes to the number of firms is subject to adjustment costs, so that the entry dynamics is determined endogenously. We find that there is a short run...
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This paper analyses an indefinitely-repeated Cournot duopoly. Firms select simple dynamic decision rules which, taken together, comprise a first-order linear difference equation system. A boundedly-rational objective function is assumed, by which the firm’s payoff is its profit at the point of...
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In this paper we develop a general model of an imperfectly competitive small open economy. There is a traded and non-traded sector, whose outputs are combined in order to produce a single final good that can be either consumed or invested. We make general assumptions about preferences and...
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In this paper we develop Dixon and Hansen (1997) to allow for two-sector small open economy in which the non-traded sector is monopolistic. The closed economy version of the model generalises Dixon/Hansen to allow for diminishing returns on the traded sector. We compare the short-run impact of...
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Waiting-time targets are frequently used by policy makers in the healthcare sector to monitor providers' performance. Such targets are based on the distribution of the patients on the list. We compare and link such distribution with the distribution of waiting time of the patients treated, as...
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In a recent paper, Michael Kiley argued that the Calvo model of price adjustment is both quantitatively and qualitatively different from the Taylor model. What we show is that Kiley (along with most other people) are choosing the wrong parameterization to compare the two models. In effect they...
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In this paper we consider the impact of the regulation of telephony on Haan's [2001] analysis of the economics of free internet access. Haan considers an unregulated market, and finds that free internet access is compatible with an efficient outcome and avoids the double marginalization problem....
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This paper introduces the class of mean defined supermodular games. The characteristic feature of these games is that, given an order on the strategy sets of the players, the payoff to each player depends on his own strategy and the average of the population play. We characterise the set of the...
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This paper adopts an evolutionary perspective on the rent-extraction model with conjectural variations (CV). We analyze the global dynamics of the model with three CVs under the replicator equation. We find that the end points of the evolutionary dynamics include the pure-strategy consistent...
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