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This paper analyzes the interactions between vertical integration and (wholesale) spot, forward and retail markets in risk management. We develop an equilibrium model that fits electricity markets well. We point out that vertical integration and forward hedging are two separate levers for demand...
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We consider a financial market with liquidity cost as in Cetin, Jarrow and Protter [3] where the supply function S"(s; ) depends on a parameter " 0 with S0(s; ) = s corresponding to the perfect liquid situation. Using the PDE characterization of Cetin, Soner and Touzi [6] of the super-hedging...
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We consider the probabilistic numerical scheme for fully nonlinear PDEs suggested in [12], and show that it can be introduced naturally as a combination of Monte Carlo and finite differences scheme without appealing to the theory of backward stochastic differential equations. Our first main...
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We study the deterministic control problem of maximizing utility from consumption of an agent who seeks to optimally allocate his wealth between consumption and investment in a financial asset subject to taxes on benefits with first-in–first-out priority rule on sales. Short sales are...
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S. Kusuoka [K 01, Theorem 4] gave an interesting dual characterizationof law invariant coherent risk measures, satisfying the Fatou property.The latter property was introduced by F. Delbaen [D 02]. In thepresent note we extend Kusuoka's characterization in two directions, thefirst one being...
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When rational but myopic agents negotiate over the exchange of indivisible resources, any restriction to the negotiation protocol may prevent the system from converging to a socially optimal allocation in the general case. This paper addresses this issue by analysing how the confinement to...
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Les recherches concentrées sur le report d'achat ont proposé de nombreux facteurs explicatifs aussi bien situationnels qu'individuels. Ce papier propose de conceptualiser la Procrastination comme facteur individuel qui oriente les individus à reporter chroniquement l'achat. La procrastination...
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