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While models of mixed oligopoly have been analyzed within a rapidly growing literature, little is known about the mechanism of efficiency improvement relating to partial privatization. In this paper, we endogenize efficiency improvement in relation to the level of privatization. We show that in...
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A motivation for the paper is to reveal the "calculative silences" of scholars who limit their research and teaching to organisations that are centralised command and control hierarchies favoured by dictators. Centralisation introduces systemic unethical and dysfunctional relationships from the...
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Spanish Abstract: El documento presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre empresas públicas y regulación, con el objetivo de establecer las características fundamentales que debería contener esta última para atender a las particularidades de dichas empresas. Identificar las diferencias...
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of privatization in a mixed duopoly, wherea private firm competes in quantities with a welfare-maximizing public firm. We consider twoinefficiencies of the public sector: a possible cost inefficiency, and an allocative inefficiencydue to the...
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of privatization in a mixed duopoly, where a private firm complete in quantities with a welfare-maximizing public firm. We consider two inefficiencies of the public sector : a possible cost inefficiency and an allocative inefficiency due to...
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This paper examines a two-period mixed market model in which a welfaremaximizing public firm and a profit-maximizing private firm can use inventory investment as a strategic device. It is then demonstrated that the equilibrium in the second period coincides with the Stackelberg solution where...
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This paper examines the interdependence of cross-ownership and level of privatization in case of differentiated products mixed duopoly. It shows that it is optimal for the private firm not to own any (own the entire) portion of the privatized share of its rival firm, if the level of...
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I study the endogenous choice of a price or quantity contract in a mixed duopoly with a socially concerned firm which maximizes a combination of profit and consumer welfare. Contrasting the literature, I find that equilibria where firms adopt price contracts and quantity contracts might coexist....
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the welfare effect of privatization in oligopoly when the government takes into account the distortionary effect of raising funds by taxation (shadow cost of public funds). We analyze the impact of the change in ownership not only on the objective function...
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We compare welfare and profits under price and quantity competition in mixed duopolies, wherein a state-owned public firm competes against a private firm. It has been shown that price competition yields larger profit for the private firm and greater welfare if the two firms move simultaneously,...
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