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In the beginning of the 1990’s, various fragmented information networks of the Internet were combined into one integrated network of systems. As a result, the commercial utilization of the Internet boomed, creating completely new business models and economic structures in the process. A...
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Serbian Abstract: Značaj upravljanja rizicima preduzeća se tokom protekle dve decenije dramatično promenio, pretežno zbog pojave novih rizika, brojnih finansijskih skandala i napretka tehnologije. Predmet posebne pažnje su, pored finansijskih, postali operativni i strategijski rizici, dok...
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Serbian Abstract: У раду се анализирају облици тржишних структура (конкуренције) у прехрамбеној индустрији Југославије, која се иначе сматрају једним од...
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Serbian Abstract: У раду се приказују и анализирају основни показатељи који се користе у анализама концентрације на тржишту. Приказани су стандардни коефицијенти (CRn и...
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English Abstract: The work deals with the problems of building the market economy of perfect competition in actual circumstances of transition and economic blockade of Serbia. There were analyzed the market situations in manufacturing industries with the use of standard coefficients K4 and usual...
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Serbian Abstract: У чланку се анализирају степен концентрације и конкуренција у банковном сектору у Србији, на основу финансијских извештаја банака за 2016. годину....
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Tight oligopolies are oligopolies the market characteristics of which facilitate the realisation of supranormal profits for a substantial period of time. We entangle the link between market structure and the possibility of welfare reducing behaviour by firms. A useful distinction can be made...
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Pleas for a level playing field, for instance in international trade, are often not well-founded. This is because it is not exactly clear what a 'level playing field' means. But even if it would be clear what the plea would imply, a level playing field is not always desirable from an economic...
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