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The theory of geographical markets is based on the notion that economic activity is not evenly spread and regional inequalities have an impact on the decisions of economic agents. Retail gasoline markets are almost perfect examples of geographical markets. The gasoline sold by the stations is a...
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The Hungarian oil company (MOL) and the national electricity holding (MVM) counted as the largest socialist enterprises already 30 years ago. Prior to 1990, they were roughly of the same size in respect of sales and employment, as well. Since the regime change, however, their development paths...
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The Hungarian oil company (MOL) and the national electricity holding (MVM) counted as the largest socialist enterprises already 30 years ago. Prior to 1990, they were roughly of the same size in respect of sales and employment, as well. Since the regime change, however, their development paths...
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Thai Abstract: บทความนี้วิเคราะห์ระบบการคลังปิโตรเลียมของประเทศไทยภายใต้ระบบสัมปทาน Thailand I และ Thailand III...
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Ensuring the good functioning of the world economy, the rising trends of oil prices, as well as the strong awareness of environment protection issues, have brought the sustained promotion of alternative energy sources. Bio fuels, as possible substitutes for gasoline and diesel, have acquired a...
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Romanian Abstract: Conform datelor publicate de Institutul Internaţional de Studii privind Cupru (I.C.S.C.), producţia mondială de cuprului s-a majorat în anul 2016 cu 2,33%, iar consumul mondial a crescut cu 1,85%. Potrivit acelorași analiştilor din cadrul I.C.S.C., balanţa mondială...
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Romanian Abstract: Piaţa materiilor prime a continuat, pentru al patrulea an consecutiv, în anul2015, să înregistreze o tendinţă generală de declin al preţurilor, mai accentuată la ţiţei, darşi la metale şi materii prime agricole.Factorii care au determinat continuarea declinului...
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Romanian Abstract: Un fenomen cu un impact puternic asupra pieţelor petroliere internaţionale l-aconstituit declinul sever al preţurilor principalelor ţiţeiuri de referinţă din comerţul internaţional(Brent şi WTI), de la 105,7 $/baril, în iunie 2014, la 36 $/baril, în decembrie...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezintă evoluţia pieţei mondiale a făinurilor proteice în 2010/11 şi perspective pentru sezonul următor. Sunt analizate producţia, consumul, comerţul şi stocurile, pe principalele tipuri de făinuri, la nivel mondial şi pe principalele ţări. Preţurile...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezintă evoluţia pieţei mondiale a uleiurilor vegetale comestibile şi a seminţelor oleaginoase în 2010 şi perspective pentru 2011. Sunt analizate producţia, consumul, comerţul şi stocurile, pe principalele tipuri de uleiuri şi seminţe, la nivel mondial...
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