Showing 1 - 10 of 11
Hungarian Abstract: A hagyományos közgazdaságtan a reálelemzés keretében érvel, és ez akadálya a valós gazdasági folyamatok megértésének. Schumpeter és Keynes kritizálta ezt a megközelítést és helyette a monetáris elemzést alkalmazta. Ezt az elméleti alapvetést követem,...
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Based upon Granger causality and Pesaran-Shin’s generalized impulse-response functions, this paper studies the link between the term structure and economic growth, and the link between the term structure and actual and expected percent changes of the Cons
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This paper presents a model of the optimal bidding behaviour of a single bank in the context of fixed rate liquidity tenders. Banks’ bidding is shown to depend crucially on the central bank’s liquidity policy as regards tender allotments. The paper also analyses ECB liquidity policy in terms...
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We investigate, theoretically and empirically, the relationship between monetary policy and the term structure of interest rates. In particular, we show in a dynamic macroeconomic model that if monetary policy reveals information about economic developments, interest rates of all maturities move...
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In a simple dynamic macroeconomic model, it is shown that uncertainty about structural parameters does not necessarily lead to more cautious monetary policy, refining the accepted wisdom concerning the effects of parameter uncertainty on optimal policy. In particular, when there is uncertainty...
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Írásunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a hosszú lejáratú határidõs árfolyamok stacionaritását feltételezõ hibakorrekciós modellek, amelyek korábbi számítások szerint a világ devizapiaci forgalmának mintegy 75%-át kitevõ fejlett ipari országokra alkalmazva kitûnõ mintán...
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In this study standard Mincer earnings equations are estimated using both ordinary least squares (OLS) and quantile regression in order to give a comprehensive picture of the returns to education in Germany and Hungary for the year 2000. To make the cross-country comparison of the returns to...
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Using village date from Tanzania, we test whether gifts and loans between households are voluntary while correcting for mis-reporting by the giving and receiving households. Tow maintained assumptions underlie our analysis: answers to a question on who people would turn to for help are good...
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Separating seasonal components from other sources of economic fluctuations is crucial for both economic modeling and policy making. Practitioners treat seasonality as noise to be removed before estimating models and tend to apply deseasonalizing methods i
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