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The most fundamental form of systemic risk in modern financial networks is contagion. In this article we describe a homogeneous banking system (banks with identical preferences and the same size of total assets) with interconnectedness: banks own shares in each others' assets. Using these...
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In this paper we investigate the relationship between sustainability and economic growth starting from Stern (2006) which is the first comprehensive analysis of the global warming from economic point of view. We also discuss the critical debate of this study which was focused mainly on the...
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The most fundamental form of systemic risk in modern financial networks is contagion. In this article we describe a homogeneous banking system (banks with identical preferences and the same size of total assets) with interconnectedness: banks own shares in each others' assets. Using these...
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In this paper we investigate the relationship between sustainability and economic growth starting from Stern (2006) which is the first comprehensive analysis of the global warming from economic point of view. We also discuss the critical debate of this study which was focused mainly on the...
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In the last decade the ownership structure of Australia's life insurance industry has undergone a fundamental change. Traditionally, the sector had been dominated by a group of large mutual associations which had historically been the market leaders. In the space of less than a decade, this form...
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A gazdasági szereplõk nem-racionális magatartására vonatkozó gazdasági viselkedéstani kutatási eredmények értelmezése és a megfelelõ következtetések megfogalmazása kellõ körültekintést igényel: a neoklasszikus elmélet életszerûtlen emberképének meghaladása nem...
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Írásunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a hosszú lejáratú határidõs árfolyamok stacionaritását feltételezõ hibakorrekciós modellek, amelyek korábbi számítások szerint a világ devizapiaci forgalmának mintegy 75%-át kitevõ fejlett ipari országokra alkalmazva kitûnõ mintán...
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This paper incorporates demand and supply fundamentals in the determination of the Real Exchange Rate (RER). We are able to confirm the negative influence of the ratio expenditure-PIB and the terms of trade on RER, but in addition we find robust evidence
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The aim of the paper is to analyse the determinants of financial crises in a sample of nine transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe with a modified logit model. The modification takes explicitly into account the rare event characteristic of a currency crisis. Our results suggest that...
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Hungarian Abstract: A tőzsdén kereskedett alapok gyors elterjedése és dinamikus növekedése felveti a kérdést, mi áll az egyes kibocsátások sikerének hátterében. A termék speciális szerkezetéből fakadó nyilvánvaló előnyöket megkerülve, ebben a cikkben azt vizsgáltam,...
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