Showing 1 - 10 of 13
Írásunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a hosszú lejáratú határidõs árfolyamok stacionaritását feltételezõ hibakorrekciós modellek, amelyek korábbi számítások szerint a világ devizapiaci forgalmának mintegy 75%-át kitevõ fejlett ipari országokra alkalmazva kitûnõ mintán...
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This paper incorporates demand and supply fundamentals in the determination of the Real Exchange Rate (RER). We are able to confirm the negative influence of the ratio expenditure-PIB and the terms of trade on RER, but in addition we find robust evidence
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The aim of the paper is to analyse the determinants of financial crises in a sample of nine transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe with a modified logit model. The modification takes explicitly into account the rare event characteristic of a currency crisis. Our results suggest that...
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Boltszintû árstatisztikai felírások alapján a tanulmány a magyarországi inflációs folyamatok és árazási magatartás jellemzõinek regionális hasonlóságait és eltéréseit vizsgálja. Fõ tanulsága, hogy a hivatalos NUTS-II régiók nem képeznek önálló gazdasági egységeket,...
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In this paper, we examine the cost of insurance against model uncertainty for the Euro area considering four alternative reference models, all of which are used for policy-analysis at the ECB. We find that maximal insurance across this model range in terms of a Minimax policy comes at moderate...
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Simple models of monetary policy often imply optimal policy behavior that is considerably more aggressive than what is commonly observed. This paper argues that such counterfactual implications are due to model restrictions and a failure to account for multiplicative parameter uncertainty,...
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In spite of being mainly concerned with stabilization policies, central banks in many developed countries often advocate the necessity of structural reforms. In turn, demand-side policies - such as monetary policy - can often help improving the political support of reforms (two-handed-approach)....
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The study aims to revisit some of the macroeconomic issues related to Hungary's eurozone-accession. The government postponed euro-adoption until 2020 without any explanation, which is one of the motivations of our analysis. We review the arguments formulated in 2000-2004 regarding the adoption...
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In December 2016 the National Bank of Hungary (NBH), by referring to its "backcasts" (based on analyses of past data-revisions), arbitrarily revised upwards the data of the Hungarian Statistical Office (HSO) on GDP-growth for the first three quarters of 2016. This "methodological innovation" (as...
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This paper presents a model of the optimal bidding behaviour of a single bank in the context of fixed rate liquidity tenders. Banks’ bidding is shown to depend crucially on the central bank’s liquidity policy as regards tender allotments. The paper also analyses ECB liquidity policy in terms...
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