Showing 1 - 10 of 22
The truffle market is becoming more important in the world. In this context, there are countries suited producers who can play an important role. The main objective of the present work is to propose a good overall picture of trade flows of fresh truffles, especially with regard to the share of...
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The current demand for agricultural products shows an increasing trend, due to population growth and rise in incomes. Unprecedented potential consumption levels cast unknown scenarios for the world. As the world will soon be faced with Malthus Law and its unavoidable consequences, the main issue...
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With regard to agri-food products the food piracy practice is usually referred to the imitation of "Italian sounding", some foods to the eye of the consumer "play Italian". They include both "brand" products, both traditional products and products of origin and quality certified, which are of...
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Italian Abstract: Le posizioni di avversione contro la globalizzazione, a partire dagli scontri di Seattle del 1999 nati durante le manifestazioni di protesta contro la conferenza ministeriale dell'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (OMC) fino ad arrivare al movimento “Occupy Wall...
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This paper aims to put on evidence data, trend and informations on world market of olive and olive-oil. Specific attention is put on the Italian sector and on the role of Italy into the world market.
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Questo rapporto analizza la dimensione territoriale della produttività nelle cooperative italiane, segmento che esprime una quota relativamente ampia dell’occupazione nazionale. Le cooperative assolvono a un’importante funzione anticiclica nella creazione di occupazione durante le crisi....
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Since some decades, agri-food products exchanges can be carried on using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. Anyway, their adoption in the agri-food sector appears to be hindered, both because of consolidated dynamics in developing B2B transactions, and of the peculiarities of...
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This paper deals with the introduction and promotion of innovative and differentiating products in distribution places geographically far and culturally different by the country of origin/production. In an international trade context, environmental elements (e.g. the introduction of organic...
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<B>Italian Abstract: Sant'Orsola è una cooperativa agricola situata nella provincia di Trento, un'area del Nord-Est Italia che rappresenta l'1 per cento dell'intero territorio nazionale. In Italia Sant'Orsola è l'azienda leader nel commercio dei piccoli frutti, con una quota di mercato che si...</b>
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Italian Abstract: Dagli anni '90 il settore agroalimentare italiano è minacciato da un inquietante fenomeno: la criminalità organizzata attiva nel settore ambientale. In questo articolo esaminiamo la relazione fra la pressione eco-criminale e l'indice dei prezzi al consumo degli alimenti e...
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