Showing 1 - 10 of 21
Italian Abstract: A partire dalle condizioni di operatività, dell'impatto ambientale e delle esternalità negative che il complesso siderurgico genera sulla salute e sulla collettività (attività produttive, territorio e cittadino), la trattazione muove dall'analisi di scenario attuale e della...
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Recent regulation on waste fees establishes the change from tax to tariff to cover the total management cost of the collection and selection services. It does not consider the external costs (externalities). This causes a distortion in the system of relative prices. In this paper, we focus on...
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Environmental economics suggests a number of techniques to assess public goods. Such methods, surrogating traditional market mechanism, allow estimations of willingness to pay for improving environmental quality. In the case study proposed in this paper an hedonic price method is implemented to...
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Italian Abstract: Mediante l'utilizzo di un campione di individui tra i 25 e i 54 anni, si analizza la partecipazione al mercato del credito e la vulnerabilità finanziaria per classe di reddito tra il 2005 e il 2011. Nel periodo considerato la percentuale di individui che detenevano un debito...
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This analysis aims at studying joblessness and the effect of the economic crisis at the household rather than the individual level. With respect to the main European countries, in Italy the jobless household rate is lower because of the larger household size (the more adults present the lower...
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English Abstract: The 2019 edition of the CONSOB Report on financial investments of Italian households presents evidence on the financial choices of a representative sample of 3,058 Italian households while significantly deepening the analysis of financial knowledge and individual attitudes....
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English abstract The 2022 Report on Italian household investment choices analyses financial knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of a sample of 1,436 individuals, 80% of whom are men, representative of the Italian investor population, and pays attention to the impact that current economic...
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Italian Abstract: Il Rapporto CONSOB per il 2020 su ‘Le scelte di investimento delle famiglie italiane’ raccoglie i dati relativi a un campione di 3.274 individui, rappresentativo dei decisori finanziari italiani. Il documento si articola in otto sezioni, di cui le prime due basate su dati...
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Italian Abstract: Il ‘Rapporto CONSOB 2021 sulle scelte di investimento delle famiglie italiane’ si articola in otto sezioni, di cui le prime due basate su dati di fonte esterna e dati di vigilanza e le rimanenti sei basate sui dati dell’Osservatorio CONSOB sulle scelte di investimento...
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The paper offers a critical assessment of the central proposition of the ��financial instability hypothesis��, i.e. that phases of expansion and investment growth are harbingers of increasing instability that can endogenously generate a financial crisis. As a preliminary, it...
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