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Korean Abstract: 본고는 우리나라 성인들이 화폐환상(money illusion)을 지니는지 여부를 가계 설문조사를 통하여 검증하였다. 화폐환상이란 경제주체들이 물가변동을 고려한 후의 실질가치가 아닌 화폐의 명목가치를 중심으로...
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Korean Abstract: 본 연구는 자산시장에서 빈번히 관찰되는 수익률의 초과 변동성을 설명하기 위해 행태 경제학적 관점에서 이질적 경제주체모형을 새롭게 확장하였다. 자산 가격의 변동성은 현재 가격의 확산만이 아니라...
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Korean Abstract: 기술기반기업의 금융업 진출로 인한 핀테크의 확산은 이론적으로 기존 금융시스템에 긍정적인 영향과 부정적인 영향을 모두 미칠 수 있다. 본 연구는 핀테크의 금융서비스 확대가 금융안정에 긍정적인 영향과...
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evidence from international panel data shows that population aging is associated with a higher growth rate of household net … assets and does not suppress household debt growth. In addition, the insurance, pension and asset management industries are … households. To complement the international panel data analysis, we also implement a simulation of household balance sheets based …
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English Abstract: Korean government and related industry are exerting all possible efforts for a reasonable credit card … fee system. Recently, they proposed the new credit card fee standard that decreases the card fees of middle- and small … possibility of conflict (dispute) between credit card companies and merchants. Using the theory of two-sided markets, this paper …
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, multiple loan amount and consumer credit ratings ‒ and systemic risk. We find that an increase in household loans is a leading … 대출정보가 시스템적 리스크와 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 개인 신용평가사(Credit Bereau, 이하 CB)가 보유한 개인신용 정보를 이용하여 시스템적 리스크와 가계대출과 관련한 다양한 개인신용 정보와의 …English Abstract: This paper examines the relation between household's loan information – such as household loans …
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Korean Abstract: 본 연구에서는 북한이탈주민의 신용행태를 분석하기 위해 신용정보 데이터(Credit Bureau data)를 이용하였다. 신용정보 데이터에서 북한이탈주민과 소득수준, 성별, 연령 …English Abstract: This paper examines the credit behaviors of North Korean defectors living in South Korea, using … Korean credit bureau data. We construct individual-level panel data on North Korean defectors and South Korean residents …
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based on loan characteristics and credit ratings (individual factors), and to examine how these factors determine the … borrower's credit rating, have bigger impacts on increases in the PDs of self-employed borrowers compared to non …
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English Abstract:This paper is study on household’s credit constraints, a special form of financial exclusion. Credit … authorities need to carrry out household credit policies in a way that encourages banks to extend the grey zone loans actively … households borrowing non-banking credit loans as credit constraint households. The analysis results show that the most dominant …
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rescheduling from Credit Counseling and Recovery Service(CCRS) since 2014. The main findings of this study are as follow. First …
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