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English Abstract: The Korean economy experienced a slowdown in both productivity growth and exports in the 2010s. Here … we analyze the relationship between changes in exports and in the growth of total factor productivity (TFP). Our … exports and productivity. We find that the positive correlation was stronger during periods in which exports decreased. We …
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Korean Abstract: 본 연구는 신호접근법을 사용하여 조기경보모형을 구축하고 2008년 우리나라의 위기가 예측 가능했는지를 살펴본다. 특히 1997년 외환위기를 예측하기 위해 구축된 모형의 골격을 바꾸지 않고 2008년 위기를...
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Korean Abstract: 본 연구는 「세대 간 중첩모형(OLG)」을 이용하여 사망률 및 출산율 저하로 인한 인구고령화가 한국 경제에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 분석하였다. 또한 고령화된 경제에서 정년연장 정책의 시행이 거시경제...
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English Abstract: This study analyzes the linkage between minimum wage and employment structure. As a result, rising …. Our study is meaningful in that we investigate empiric relationship between minimum wage and employment structure by using …
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Korean Abstract: 본 연구는 본격화되고 있는 GATS Mode 4 협상의 쟁점, 주요국의 1차 양허안 및 한국에 대한 양허요청안 등을 분석하여 Mode 4 협상타결의 시나리오를 예상하고 Mode 4 자유화에 대응하기 위한 정책과제를 제안하였다....
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Korean Abstract: 본 논문은 재직자 직업훈련(OJT) 관련 공적 재정지원 및 분담금 징수구조가 개별 근로자의 사내 직업훈련에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는지 그리고 직업훈련을 통해 어떠한 경제적 성과를 거두고 있는지...
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analysis also focuses on the relationship between EPL and labor productivity to evaluate the effect of employment protection on … excessive and under employment protection can negatively affect the labor productivity. Finally, further research should be …English Abstract: This paper examines the impact of employment protection legislation (EPL) on the labor market duality …
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.This study finds that the influences of MWI on wage, employment, and productivity differ across sectors and firm sizes. While MWI … have differential impacts on wage, employment, and productivity across sectors or different sizes of establishment. This … focused on the quantitative aspects such as labor cost and employment. However, on the qualitative aspects, MWI could have …
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Korea. The result reveals that the Korean industry structure, both in terms of value added production and employment, is … productivity of the manufacturing sector, relative to that of the whole industry, tends to fall, while that of the service sector …
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have consistently shown evidences of the existence of hysteresis in employment rates and labor force participation rates … is consistent with the result in labor force participation rates and employment rates. The existence becomes more …
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