Showing 1 - 10 of 65
The paper analyses the swift growth of bank loans granted to the nongovernmental sector with a special attention on the case of Romania, concluding that it creates several perils for the macroeconomic and financial stability.
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Bank failure is the result of a defective management in banking leading the bank to a stage of bankruptcy, which means that the insolvent bank is going to be closed by the banking authority. In general, the banking sector is viewed as more vulnerable to contagion than other industries since...
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Increasing trade interdependence among East-Asian countries suggests the urge to design some monetary arrangement to stabilize the macroeconomic framework of an extremely heterogeneously growing area. The paper reviews the literature and analyses several directions of East-Asian integration...
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Paper deals with the European Monetary Union from perspective of Post Keynesian school of economic thought. It discusses separately arguments often proposed by mainstream economists. After the brief introduction, which highlights main differences between mainstream and Post Keynesian economic...
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Slovak Republic entered the ERM II in the end of 2005 whereby it came nearer to its strategic objective - joining the euro area. In this paper we try to answer two questions. Section 1 examines the features and risks of the EMU. Is EMU an optimum currency area and what is the OCA scorecard of...
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V čase, keď sa globálna ekonomika ocitá v problémoch s klesajúcim ekonomickým rastom a rastúcou infláciou, pokračuje ďalšie rozširovanie členskej základne eurozóny. Globálna nerovnováha sa prejavuje aj na európskom finančnom trhu. Euro sa zhodnocuje oproti americkému...
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Článok sa sústredí na obdobie mimoriadnych ekonomických a finančných opatrení súčasnej krízy, kedy môže ľahko vzniknúť predstava, že dnešné ekonomické problémy eurozóny sú síce vážnou, ale len akousi jednorazovou nepríjemnosťou, ktorá sa až doteraz ani nedala...
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The article discusses different causes of financial crises and shows that the imputation of reinvested profits of the subsidiaries of foreign firms as a debit item on a host country's balance of payments account tends to overstate the current account deficit and to make the host country seem...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul de faţă analizează principalele caracteristici ale proiectului privind înfiinţarea unei Uniuni a Pieţelor de Capital, aşa cum sunt ele prezentate de iniţiatorul proiectului, Comisia Europeană, şi de alţi autori care au studiat această temă. Analiza...
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Článok analyzuje všeobecný rámec cezhraničnej spolupráce a iniciatívy spoločenstva INTERREG a ich implikáciu pre regionálny rozvoj. Opisuje úlohu a postavenie iniciatívy INTERREG a nový cieľ európskej teritorálnej spolupráce pre novú architektúru politiky súdržnosti EÚ po...
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