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Romanian Abstract:Articolul analizează cadrul geopolitic mondial pe baza evoluțiilor dinperioada 2008 – 2015 şi îşi propune să determine caracteristicile principale ale perioadei2016 – 2020. În cadrul analizei sunt avute în vedere o serie de schimbări care au avut loc şicare vor...
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Romanian Abstract: Cu toate că Germania a continuat să reprezinte „locomotiva” economică ṣi ancora de stabilitate a UE, iar ca urmare a reformelor ambiṭioase întreprinse în ultimul deceniu, economia federală a demonstrat o deosebită rezistenṭă la efectele negative ale ultimelor...
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In the contemporary economy, in the societies where there is a transition to a market ecdnomy included the trade with the alimentary goods tends to become more and more an activity taking place within a strictly regulated framework. This is represented by laws, recommandations, compulsory and...
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Globalization is the rapid increase in cross-border economic, social, technological exchange under the conditions of capitalism. International trade and investment have been the engines of world growth over the past 50 years. The tons of goods traded around the world have grown by 16 times since...
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This paper examines the evolution of the EU's trade in services over the 2004-2008 period in comparison with its trade in goods. It aims to disentangle the main trends shaping the EU's services trade flows under the impact of increasing globalisation and the last two waves of EU enlargement....
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This paper examines the evolution of the EU’s trade in services over the 2004-2008 period in comparison with its trade in goods. It aims to disentangle the main trends shaping the EU’s services trade flows under the impact of increasing globalisation and the last two waves of EU enlargement....
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Continuous technological specialisation of a national economies, conducted by the dynamic comparative advantage, is not only the effect of free market forces accompanied by commercial openness, as it depends on many other factors, among which technological progress is essential.
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<span lang=\"\\"\\\\"\\\\\\\\"EN-GB\\\\\\\\"\\\\"\\"\" style=\"\"\"\"font-family: \">Drawing on recent literature on the issue of services offshoring, this essay aims to give an overall picture on the dynamics, scale and effects of this phenomenon in Romania.</span>
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In a globalizing world, defined by fierce, ever increasing competition, the relocation of services became not simply necessary, but vital for companies and imperative for further fostering their competitiveness.
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Adoptarea euro intr-un stat membru al Uniunii Europene este grevata de necesitatea respectarii, intre altele, poate chiar in primul rand, a unor criterii de natura bugetar-fiscala care, implicit, limiteaza spatiul de manevra al guvernelor nationale. Cel putin in ultimii patru ani, indisciplina...
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